6G is coming! China Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry has made an important breakthrough!

Recently, the first real-time wireless transmission communication experiment of terahertz orbital angular momentum was completed in China. This is a communication experiment completed by the China Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry. It uses a high-precision spiral phase plate antenna to achieve 4 different beam modes in the 110GHz frequency band, and completes 100Gbps wireless real-time transmission on a 10GHz transmission bandwidth through 4-mode synthesis, maximizing the Improved bandwidth utilization.

Real-time wireless transmission communication experiment of terahertz orbital angular momentum

As a new spectrum technology, terahertz communication can provide larger transmission bandwidth and meet higher-speed transmission requirements, and has gradually become one of the key technologies for 6G communication.

Terahertz communications

6G, the sixth generation mobile communication standard, is also called the sixth generation mobile communication technology. The transmission capacity of 6G may be 100 times higher than that of 5G, and network latency may be reduced from milliseconds to microseconds. The peak communication rate of 6G will reach 1Tbps.

Although 6G is a communication technology under research and development and has not yet been put into commercial operation, it may have a profound impact on people’s daily life, society and industrial fields.

6G is an upgrade and expansion of 5G technology. The research and development of 6G communication technology is in progress and will provide higher data rates and lower delays to meet the higher requirements for communication technology in the future intelligent society, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other fields.


Compared with 5G, 6G will provide higher frequency bands, including millimeter wave and terahertz bands, making data transmission faster. At the same time, 6G will realize a heterogeneous network structure and tightly integrate various devices and sensing devices on the network to better support network intelligence, including machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. In addition, 6G will also enable more secure communications, provide better privacy protection and stronger security measures.

At present, the research and development of 6G communication technology is still in its infancy, and there are no specific standards and specifications yet. However, some enterprises and academia are actively conducting relevant research to explore various potential applications and possible technical routes of 6G communication technology.

For example, some research institutions in mainland China and Europe have begun to explore the technical paths and standards of 6G communication technology, and plan to start commercial use around 2030. At the same time, some companies are also actively deploying the 6G industry chain. For example, Samsung, Ericsson, etc. have begun to invest R&D budgets and human resources to promote 6G research.

The core technologies of 6G need further exploration and research, including millimeter waves, terahertz, intelligent networks, etc. With more in-depth research on 6G communication technology, I believe we will be able to see its huge impact and contribution to future society and industry.

At present, our country continues to make efforts in basic research, artificial intelligence, new energy, new materials, aerospace and other fields, relying on technological innovation to achieve a high level of self-reliance and self-reliance.


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