Introduction to DTU application fields

DTU is a wireless terminal device that uses the operator’s 2G/3G/4G network to convert serial port data into IP data or IP data into serial port data. It can be widely used in all walks of life.

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway ModuleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway Module

First, the agricultural field

DTU has many projects in the agricultural field. Monitor water supply, growth status, fertilization frequency and other data, and can also send control instructions for remote control according to any situation.

Second, the field of environmental protection

Environmental protection, as the development trend of the future green economy, has become a social consensus. However, China’s highly polluting development model after reform and opening up has made the current situation of pollution very serious. The current situation and future trends are destined to have huge potential in the environmental protection industry.

DTU is widely used in water quality monitoring and other aspects. Mainly based on its low cost, accurate and timely data collection, it effectively solves the difficulty of large-scale real-time monitoring and makes intelligent environmental monitoring a reality.

Third, the electric power field

DTU was applied earlier in the power industry and has gone through more than ten years of development and maturity. The demand for DTU in the power industry is still growing. . It has a very wide range of applications in intelligent power distribution in the power grid, integrated smart substation systems, and monitoring of important nodes in the power grid. Due to the particularity of the power industry, the strong electromagnetic environment and the regulations of industry data transmission protocols, power-specific DTUs are generally used.

Fourth, the industrial field

In the face of the trend of information technology, the traditional industrial field is gradually getting rid of the previous rough and inefficient production models and structures, and is transforming into an intelligent direction. The large-scale application of DTU is an opportunity for industrial intelligence.

As a bridge between serial device and remote control center, it will feedback production information in real time, allowing the control center to make effective control, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, such as in industrial automation.

For example, it has a wide range of applications in industrial weighing, industrial assembly line production, etc. If there are relatively high requirements for the transmission speed and amount of information, 3G/ 4G DTU is generally selected.

Fifth, shared areas

As the new darling of the Internet economy, the sharing economy has swept across China in the form of shared rentals and shared umbrellas. DTU relies on its low cost, industrial-grade design, accurate and secure data transmission, and is quickly used in the sharing field. For example, in the application of shared parking spaces, on-site DTU can be used on a large scale to monitor parking space information outdoors and transmit it to the operation background for unified scheduling.

The above are currently the five most popular industries for long DTU applications.


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