Application of zigbee, zigbee networking solution

Application of zigbee, zigbee networking solution

As a low-speed short-distance wireless communication technology, ZigBee has its own characteristics. Zigbee has the characteristics of low power consumption, short distance, low power consumption, low speed, and flexible networking method, so it is very suitable to choose ZigBee for the following applications. . Such as smart homes, medical monitoring, industrial automation control, sensor network applications, etc. in smart homes.

After enumerating several typical application scenarios above, we will explain each application scenario in detail below. Before explaining, let us first understand the networking method and characteristics of Zigbee, so that it will be easier to understand why these scenarios Applicable to zigbee.

Application of zigbee

1. Mesh topology

Mesh topology includes a Co-ordinator and a series of Routers and End Devices. This method of network topology is the same as a tree topology; see Tree Network Topology above. However, mesh network topology has more flexible information routing rules, and routing nodes can communicate directly with each other when possible.

2. Star topology

Star topology is the simplest topology method. It includes a Co-ordinator node and a series of End Device nodes. Each End Device node can only communicate with the Co-ordinator node. If communication is required between two End Device nodes, the information must be forwarded through the Co-ordinator node.

3. Tree topology

The tree topology contains a Co-ordinator and a series of Router and End Device nodes. Co-ordinator connects a series of Routers and End Devices, and its sub-node Routers can also connect a series of Routers and End Devices. Only in this way can multiple levels be repeated. The structure of the tree topology is shown in the figure below:

Application of zigbee in automatic meter reading

Meter reading may be something we are familiar with, such as gas meters, electricity meters, water meters, etc. The readings may be calculated every month or quarter, reported to the gas, electricity or water supply company, and then charged based on the readings. At present, in most places, manual methods are still used to read meters, knocking on doors door to door, which is very inconvenient. ZigBee can be used in this field, using sensors to convert meter readings into digital signals, and sending the readings directly to companies that supply gas or water electricity through the ZigBee network. Using ZigBee for meter reading can also bring other advantages. For example, the gas or water and electricity company can directly send some information to the user, or it can be combined with energy saving to automatically reduce the usage speed when it is found that the energy is used too fast.

Application of zigbee in smart home

There may be many electrical appliances and electronic devices at home, such as lights, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, computers, air conditioners, etc., as well as smoke sensors, alarms, and cameras. In the past, we could only achieve point-to-point control. But if ZigBee technology is used, these electronic and electrical equipment can be connected to form a network, and can also be connected to the Internet through a gateway, so that users can conveniently monitor the status of their homes anywhere and save the need for wiring at home. troubles.

Application of zigbee in medical monitoring

Electronic medical monitoring is a hot topic recently. Many sensors are installed on the human body, such as measuring pulse and blood pressure, to monitor health conditions, and some monitors and alarms are placed around the human body, such as in wards, so that the person’s physical condition can be monitored at any time. Once a problem occurs , can respond in time, such as informing the hospital’s on-duty staff. These sensors, monitors and alarms can ultimately form a monitoring network using ZigBee technology. Due to wireless technology, there is no need for wired connections between sensors, and the monitored person can move more freely, which is very convenient.

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