The key to communication between the Internet of Things and humans—transmission protocol

IoT devices use different communication and messaging protocols at different layers. When developing IoT devices, the type, layers, and functions the device is intended to perform often determine the final choice. MQTT, XMPP, DDS, AMQP, and CoAP are some of…

Drahtlose Technologie verleiht dem industriellen Internet neuen Schwung

With the accelerated integration of the new generation of information technology and traditional industries represented by the Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is booming around the world, and…

“Entrepreneurship Tianfu Jingrong Creation and Enjoyment Meeting” Internet of Things Industry Salon was successfully held

On the afternoon of November 1, the “Entrepreneurship Tianfu Jingrong Innovation and Enjoyment Meeting” Internet of Things industry salon was jointly hosted by the Tianfu New District Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Center, Hurray Club (Chengdu), Hurray Space, and Huamiao Incubator.…

Sehen Sie, welche drei Trends die Zukunft des Internets der Dinge bestimmen?

Despite years of development, the Internet of Things still faces the challenge of application fragmentation. In the foreseeable future, the Internet of Things will tend to flourish in vertical industries. In addition, there are three trends worthy of attention. 1.…

Die Ära der intelligenten Zählerablesung kommt, IoT-Wasserzähler werden einen größeren Markt eröffnen

With the development of science and technology and the continuous progress of society, the traditional water industry has been affected by the strong momentum of the Internet of Things, and coupled with its own many difficulties and pain points, the…

Das Internet der Dinge in der Landwirtschaft ist ein unvermeidlicher Trend für die künftige Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft in meinem Land

At present, my country’s agriculture is in the transition period from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The agricultural Internet of Things will play a unique and important role and provide unprecedented opportunities for the development of modern agriculture. The use…

Das Internet der Dinge verändert unsere Welt und wirkt sich auf unsere Arbeit und unser Leben aus

Mit der Integration von IoT-Technologien in unser Leben verändert sich die Art und Weise, wie wir leben, arbeiten und mit der Welt interagieren, allmählich. Auch wenn es uns nicht bewusst ist, wächst die Zahl der vernetzten Geräte um uns herum exponentiell,...
