
The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology and an important development stage in the “information age”. Its English name is: “Internet of things (IoT)”.

The booming development of Internet of Things applications has also brought about a new round of wireless communication technology business opportunities. From 2013 to the present, products such as integrated wireless single-chip MCU, integrated MCU and wireless function modules, integrated embedded processors and wireless single-core SOC have been launched. The plan is blooming across the board.


In the era of the Internet of Things, if you want to communicate between things, you need a device similar to a “mobile phone” to help them send and receive signals. This is the so-called Internet of Things module. It is a collection of chips plus peripheral circuits required by the chip. There is currently no unified definition in the industry.

The IoT module enables various IoT terminal devices to have the ability to transmit networked information, and is the information entrance for all types of smart terminals to access the IoT. It is a key link connecting the perception layer and network layer of the Internet of Things. All device data generated by the perception layer terminals of the Internet of Things need to be aggregated to the network layer through the Internet of Things module, and then the devices can be remotely managed and controlled through the cloud management platform. At the same time, through data analysis, Bring about improvements in management efficiency.

Because the Internet of Things is the networking of equipment terminals in all walks of life, it includes a variety of application scenarios. Different application scenarios require different IoT modules, so the application scenarios of the modules are particularly rich and the market space is also very large.

In the Internet of Things application scenarios, large-scale markets (annual demand is more than 10 million) have formed, mainly in the fields of smart meters, mobile payments, smart vehicles, smart grids and other fields. Growth in these areas is leading the major growth of the IoT modules market.


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