Entwurf eines Terminals für die drahtlose Datenübertragung

In the process of gradual development and advancement in the information age, wireless communication technology has become an inevitable choice and development trend in various industries and fields of national economic construction and development. Especially for wireless data transmission operations,…

lora positioning

How does LoRa achieve positioning? LoRa uses Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) to achieve geographical positioning. A technology based on LORA positioning, including an information transmission system, a network transmission system and an information processing system, characterized in that the…


Original title: The world’s first industrial IoT core chip The world’s first industrial IoT core chip UZ/CY2420, jointly developed by Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Taiwan Dasheng Electronics Co., Ltd.’s global industrial IoT core JI!I chip, was officially…

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