Wireless data transmission station_point-to-point/point-to-multipoint data transmission

Wireless data transmission radio is the abbreviation of digital wireless data transmission radio. Wireless data transmission radio is an early communication method developed in the communication industry and is also a relatively mature wireless communication technology. Data transmission radio is…

dtu data transmission terminal_DTU wireless transmission module

The DTU wireless data transmission terminal series product adopts GPRS/4G/NB-IoT communication technology and utilizes existing network resources to provide users with a device with good anti-interference, powerful functions, simple and easy to use, low operating cost, and Lower cost wireless…

Anwendungsbereich und Anwendungsszenarien des Fernmess- und -steuerterminals RTU

Nowadays, RTU is used more and more widely in our lives, and its characteristics are also very popular among users. It has the following characteristics: long communication distance; can be used in various industrial sites with harsh environments; modular structure…

Anwendung von GPRS RTU bei der Fernüberwachung von Reaktionstanks und großen Öllagertanks

In recent years, the rapid development of information technology has led to the rapid popularization of computer technology, control technology, and network communication technology, and has also made the construction cost of remote monitoring systems no longer out of reach.…

Anwendung von GPRS DTU in der kommunalen Abwasserbehandlung

The construction of urban sewage treatment facilities has been mentioned in a prominent position in urban infrastructure construction, bringing the construction of urban sewage treatment facilities into a new stage of development. At present, water quality monitoring of pollution sources…

4g Industrie-DTU

Stability and reliability are the first requirements for industrial wireless communication transmission. In the design process of industrial-grade wireless communication products (Zongheng Intelligent Control 4G Industrial DTU ), it is not only necessary to consider functional planning and performance realization,…

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