RTU_data acquisition_data transmission_remote control

Today, with the increasing development of the Internet of Things, RTU is used more and more widely. At present, RTU has been widely used in industry, agriculture, water conservancy, electric power, environmental protection, meteorology, transportation, energy, commerce and other fields,…

Anwendung der DTU bei der meteorologischen Echtzeitüberwachung

1. Program requirements The ground network of the traditional meteorological information system was built early, with low equipment performance, low line speed, and extended time. It is difficult to meet the requirements for data transmission such as automatic stations, sandstorms,…

What should you consider when choosing an Internet of Things (IoT) communication method?

Over the past 10 years, IoT technology has become more cost-effective. The devices themselves are becoming cheaper, more energy efficient, smaller, and increasingly smarter to fill specific roles within the IoT architecture to create new business outcomes. Over the next…

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