Wireless communication modules spill over into the M2M field

Broadly speaking, M2M can represent the connection and communication between Machine to Machine (MachineMachine), Man to Machine (Man to Machine). Machine to Man (Machine 1o Man). Mobile↓Machine! It provides the technical means for mutual communication between people , machines and systems.

M2M application systems include intelligent machines, M2M hardware, communication networks, and middleware. The application fields cover multiple industries such as household, industry, retail payment, logistics and transportation, and medical care. Due to cost reasons, M2M communications are currently mainly based on 2G module applications. In the future, they will quickly migrate to 4G modules and accelerate the upgrade to NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things, narrowband Internet of Things).

The penetration rate of 4G technology in the mobile phone industry is very high, but its application in the Internet of Things industry is still in its infancy. Statistics from Ericsson show that in 2013, 64% of global M2M solutions adopted 2G1, while only 5 % adopted 4G LTE. With technology upgrades and extensions, the proportion of 4G LTE continues to grow, and 4G LTE M2M solutions will become the mainstream of the market in 2019.

LPW AN modules represented by NB-IoT/eMTC are expected to gradually achieve large-scale commercial use as the technology matures and costs decrease. GSMA and CAICT jointly predict that China is the world’s largest M2M market, with approximately 100 million cellular M2M connections, and this number is expected to increase to 350 million by 2020; LPWAN technology will provide an additional 730 million connections, making The total number of connections exceeds 1 billion. By 2025, it is expected that 50% of the world’s 28 billion connected devices will be suitable for LPWAN network connections.

IDC predicts that with the full explosion of downstream applications of the Internet of Things, the number of global connected devices is expected to reach tens of billions by 2020, and the era of the Internet of Everything will officially arrive. According to GSMA estimates, by In 2020, the number of global cellular IoT connections is expected to reach 1 billion, accounting for 10% of the global number of connections, with a compound growth rate of 26%. The number of M2M connections in China has reached about 1 billion, accounting for about 10% of the world’s total. Under this situation, future communication module technology will undoubtedly transform to 4G and 5G standards.

Keywords: 4g communication module


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