How the Internet of Things is making our world a better place

From smart home appliances to connected cars, consumers are increasingly experiencing the benefits of the Internet of Things. Although consumer and enterprise IoT applications have received significant attention, many people are still unaware of how IoT can bring positive economic and social impacts that change our society, environment, and food supply chain for the better. Here are a few examples:


1. Monitor and reduce air pollution

Although cities only account for 2% of the world’s land area, they account for 70% of the world’s harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and more than 3 million people die from air pollution every year. To change this, cities around the world are integrating IoT sensors and devices into their infrastructure to monitor air quality and use this data to implement new city services that reduce traffic congestion and related pollution. And regulators, city planners and healthcare providers can use this data to make changes that can help combat climate change and improve citizen health.

2. Improve water resources protection

Cities are also using IoT technology to save water. Barcelona has implemented an IoT smart irrigation system that monitors soil moisture using underground detectors installed in parks across the city. Remote monitoring devices upload data to the cloud and can automatically open electronic valves to water the landscape only when needed and when weather conditions are suitable. As a result, municipal water bills have been reduced by 25% and, more importantly, water consumption has also been reduced.

3. Feed a hungry world

As the world’s population has grown, the amount of arable land on Earth has decreased by 33%. Droughts are becoming more common and the agricultural workforce is shrinking. To address these challenges, farmers are turning to IoT solutions. By installing sensors in the air and soil, growers can track the microclimate of their fields, closely monitoring temperature, humidity and other conditions in real time. Other companies are using drones, robots, cloud computing, machine learning and other IoT-related technologies to improve growing, production and delivery processes to address the industry’s growing labor shortage and feed growing hunger more efficiently world.

4. Save key species

The Internet of Things not only connects devices, sensors and machines to each other, but also connects people and other living things. Case in point: honey bees. Honey bees are the pollinators of the world’s major food crops, yet their global bee populations are declining rapidly. To help reverse this trend, an international consortium of researchers and scientists is using micro-sensing technology to collect data on bees. IoT technology is even helping South Africa combat rhino poaching. Kruger National Park uses cutting-edge technology such as highly secure smart networks, wireless hotspots, closed-circuit surveillance, infrared cameras, thermal imaging, vehicle tracking sensors and seismic sensors to monitor and track people as they enter and leave the reserve.

These are just a few examples of how IoT can make our world a better place. As connected devices and sensors become smaller, cheaper, and more prolific, and as technologies such as fog computing, machine learning, and advanced data analytics become more widespread, we will be able to Innovative ways to use the Internet of Things to improve lives, sustain resources and help our planet.


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