Industrial router remote communication application analysis

Q: What can the industrial router wireless client function achieve?

The wireless client function of the industrial router can realize Wi-Fi bridging, which can be understood as a small relay function, but it is not completely equivalent to a relay.

For example, in an external network environment, the external WiFi radiation range is 1 km, but there is a network port networking device 1.5 kilometers away that wants to connect to the external network. In this case, an industrial router can be placed between the external network and the network port device. G806, realizes the networking needs of network port networking equipment.

Q: How does a 4G industrial router communicate with a remote computer or cloud platform?

First, connect to the LAN through the network cable and power supply. When the network port device is connected to the wifi of the industrial router, the LAN port is connected, and the industrial router is connected to the external network through a network cable.

When the network port device is connected to the industrial router, the industrial router is connected to the same LAN and computer. The computer that needs to be controlled is also connected to the LAN through WIFI or network cable.

Do port mapping on the industrial router and map the port and IP of the WAN port to the LAN port.

After port mapping is completed, the network port device can be used as a TCP Sever, and the computer can be used as a TCP Client. At this time, the IPs of the network port device and the computer are under the same LAN on the external network, so that the network port device and the computer can communicate within the same LAN.

But in life, we use fewer applications for transmission within the same local area network. We usually use more long-distance communication.

For example, I have a network port device at home and a computer at work. The PC needs to control the network port device at home (such as a computer at home). How to achieve this?

By building a VPN private network communication, the network port device (home computer) is connected to the industrial router through wifi, and the industrial router requires a 4G IoT card for network supply.

The next step is to set up an industrial router to connect to the remote VPN network. Also map the WAN port of the industrial router to the LAN port. The company’s computer PC is connected to the VPN at the same time, so that the company’s computer and the home network port device (home computer) are connected to the VPN at the same time. In a virtual VPN network.

The network port device (home computer) acts as TCP Sever, and the company’s computer PC acts as TCP Client. When the company’s computer acts as TCP Client and connects to the IP and port of the WAN port of the industrial router, such communication can be achieved.

Q: APN networking function of industrial router

The industrial router can be connected to the industrial router by inserting the APN dedicated network card. If multiple industrial routers are used to connect to the APN through the APN dedicated network card, then these industrial routers are on the same network segment of the LAN and can communicate with each other. But it makes no sense for multiple industrial routers to communicate with each other. Multiple network port devices can be connected to each industrial router. To achieve communication between these network port devices, port forwarding is required on each industrial router . (If you are accessing VPN, you need to perform static routing function) The port forwarding function is to map the IP of the WAN port of the industrial router to the LAN.

How to set up APN?

The main parameters for setting APN are: APN address, that is, which APN to connect to; APN username; password.


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