Internet of Things Development PlanInternet Technology Zhao Dequan Jilin Jida Communications Design Institute Co., Ltd. Since the reform and opening up, our country’s economy has developed rapidly, which is enough to prove that the great development strategy of reform and opening up has great influence on the Chinese economy. feasibility. However, China’s economic development is unbalanced. First, the economy of the special economic zones opened to the outside world has developed rapidly, while some areas in the west are still economically underdeveloped or backward. China’s rapid economic development has regional and unbalanced development. A series of deformed economic developments such as sex and blindly seeking from nature regardless of the damage to the environment have made China’s economic development very difficult. The New Economic Normal proposes some feasible measures based on these issues. The development of the tertiary industry will become the focus of China’s economic development, so the Internet of Things will become the focus of China’s economic development in the future.
Origin of the Internet of Things:
Bevor wir das Internet der Dinge verstehen, müssen wir zunächst ein vorläufiges Verständnis der Konzepte und Technologien des Internets der Dinge entwickeln. Der Grund, warum das Internet der Dinge geboren wurde, ist eine Kaffeekanne. Ja, Sie haben richtig gehört. Es handelte sich um eine gewöhnliche Kaffeekanne, die 1991 unten im Truy Computer Laboratory der Universität Cambridge stand. Die Kaffeekanne konnte den Wissenschaftlern oben nichts Intelligentes sagen. Um festzustellen, ob der Kaffee gut gebrüht ist, schrieben die schlauen Wissenschaftler eine Reihe von Programmen, installierten eine Kamera neben der Kaffeekanne und nutzten die Bildaufnahmetechnik der Endgerätekamera, um sie mit einer Rate von 3 Bildern pro Sekunde an den Laborcomputer zu übertragen, so dass die Wissenschaftler jederzeit überprüfen können, ob der Kaffee gebrüht ist. Unerwartet wurde diese "Erfindung des faulen Mannes" zum frühesten Prototyp des Internets der Dinge.
1993, als der erste Fall eines X-Windows-Systems. Der Vorfall mit dem "Truy Coffee Pot Server" wurde ebenfalls online verbreitet. Was die Netzwerk-Digitalkameras betrifft, so haben die Marktentwicklung, die technischen Anwendungen und die verschiedenen zukünftigen Netzwerkerweiterungen ihren Ursprung in der weltweit bekanntesten "Truui-Kaffeekanne", wann also wurde das Konzept des Internets der Dinge vorgeschlagen?
Vorschlag für das Konzept des Internets der Dinge
Acht Jahre nach dem "Kaffeekannen"-Vorfall, d. h. 1999, schlug Kevin Asthon am Auto-ID Center des Massachusetts Institute of Technology in den Vereinigten Staaten erstmals das Konzept des Internets der Dinge vor. Das Internet der Dinge bezieht sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur auf die RFID-Technologie und -Geräte. Das vereinbarte Kommunikationsprotokoll wird mit dem Internet kombiniert, um eine intelligente Identifizierung und Verwaltung von Objektinformationen zu realisieren und die Verbindung, den Austausch und die gemeinsame Nutzung von Objektinformationen zu einem Netzwerk zu ermöglichen.
Entwicklungsgeschichte des Internets der Dinge
Arpanet is a forerunner of the modern Internet, developed and put into use by DARPA, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This is where the foundation of the Internet of Things is laid.
Programmers at Carnegie Mellon University connected Coca-Cola vending machines to the Internet, allowing them to check whether the machine has a cold beverage before purchasing. It is widely considered to be one of the first IoT devices.
To meet this challenge, John Romkey connected a toaster to the Internet and successfully turned it on and off, an experiment that brings us one step closer to the Internet of Things.
the year 1995:
The first version of the U.S. government-operated GPS satellite project is finally complete. Since then, this has provided one of the most important and fundamental capabilities for most IoT devices today: GPS positioning.
Year 1999:
In this year, Kevin Ashton, director of the MIT Automatic Identification Laboratory, first proposed the term “Internet of Things” in a speech to illustrate the potential of RFID tracking technology.
The first iPhone was launched, giving the public a new way to interact with the world and connect devices.
Year 2008:
The first International Internet of Things Conference was held in Zurich, Switzerland. And it was a year worth remembering, because in 2008, the number of IoT devices exceeded the number of people on the planet for the first time.
year 2010:
The Chinese government lists the Internet of Things as a key technology and has announced that the Internet of Things is part of its long-term development plan. In the same year, Nest released a smart thermostat that can learn about users’ living habits and automatically adjust the temperature of the house. Nest brings the concept of “smart home” into the spotlight.
year 2013:
The launch of Google Smart Glasses is a revolutionary advancement in IoT and wearable technology.
Year 2014:
Amazon releases Echo smart speaker, paving the way to enter the smart home center market. It was also in this year that the Industrial Internet of Things Standards Alliance was established, which also indirectly showed that the Internet of Things has the potential to change the way any manufacturing and supply chain process operates.
The development of IoT is making it cheaper, easier, and more widely accepted, sparking a wave of innovation across the industry. Self-driving cars continue to improve, blockchain and artificial intelligence have begun to be integrated into IoT platforms, and rising smartphone/broadband penetration will continue to make IoT an attractive value proposition in the future.
When the local area network was created, much like today, there was a trend that could create a new industrial trend. No one in history expected that it would transform into the current computer Internet. Now the Internet of Things has emerged under the same conditions as the previous local area network. It has created unprecedented growth prospects for the economy, allowing the economy to obtain excellent growth opportunities, and also enabling the domestic economy to solve huge problems. Under such conditions, society Improving constantly. After the industrial revolution, society went through the steam stage, the electrical stage, and now it has entered the information stage. Economic theory believes that the industrial revolution changed the world and produced innovation. Although the Internet is not an industrial revolution, it has similar functions to the industrial revolution. After its emergence, many new industries were established and generated huge power to promote social progress. Problems, opportunities, competition, the future, the emergence of things of different nature from multiple perspectives will increase the speed of economic development. The Internet of Things has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is certain that the Internet of Things will eventually enter public life like the Internet.
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