Internet of Things industry research report, focusing on the upstream communication module industry

Report summary:

Wireless transmission is the main information transmission method of the Internet of Things, and the communication module is one of the core components of the Internet of Things.

Wireless transmission is mainly divided into three types of connection methods: cellular communication technology, LPWA technology, and local area Internet of Things. The communication module is a functional module that integrates baseband chips, memory, functional devices, etc. on the PCB and provides standard interfaces. Various types of terminals can realize communication functions with the help of communication modules. The function of the communication module is to carry end-to-end and end-to-backend server data interaction and is a channel for user data transmission. Therefore, the communication module is one of the core components of the IoT terminal.

The withdrawal of 2G/3G is inevitable, and 4G and LPWAN are facing good opportunities.

Although 2G/3G networks carry many similar services to 4G networks, the efficiency of 2G/3G networks is obviously insufficient in the face of current social development. From the perspective of functionality and efficiency, 4G can completely replace 2G/3G networks. Secondly, at present, the single-station revenue of 2G/3G base stations can no longer offset the operation and maintenance costs, and has become a burden for operators to operate and maintain. From the perspective of reducing overall operating costs, 4G/5G is a better choice than 2G/3G.

NB-IoT is an emerging technology in the field of Internet of Things. It supports cellular data connection of low-power devices in the wide area network and belongs to the low-power wide area network (LPWAN). NB-IoT has its own advantages such as low power consumption, wide coverage, low cost, and large capacity, making it widely used in a variety of vertical industries. With the withdrawal of 2G and 3G, the application of 4G/NB-IoT modules The scene will become wider .

5G technology has obvious advantages and has entered the Internet of Vehicles battlefield to solve difficult problems. Autonomous driving (unmanned driving) is the ideal state for automobile development, and it is difficult to achieve autonomous driving at the current technical level. Therefore, the transition needs to be achieved through the Internet of Vehicles. Taking advantage of the low latency, high reliability, high speed and large capacity capabilities of 5G technology, the Internet of Vehicles can not only help vehicles communicate with each other about location, speed, driving direction and driving intentions, but can also use roadside facilities to assist vehicles in sensing the environment. , help V2X operate efficiently and realize information interaction between vehicles and all other entities, thereby obtaining a series of traffic information such as real-time traffic conditions, road information, pedestrian information, etc., to improve driving safety and traffic efficiency.

1. Everything is interconnected, and the division of labor in the layer-by-layer architecture is clear (omitted)

Cellular communication modules usher in market expansion opportunities

Wireless transmission is the main information transmission method of the Internet of Things. Wireless transmission is mainly divided into three types of connection methods: (1) cellular communication technology, that is, 2/3/4/5G technology; (2) LPWA technology (Low Power Wide Area, low power wide area communication technology), in a broad sense Also belongs to cellular communication technology, including NB-IOT (Cat-NB1), LTE-M (eMTC, Cat M1), LoRa, Sigfox; ( 3) Local Internet of Things (Short-range IOT), usually defined as within 100 meters, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee. NB-IoT and LTE-M essentially use 4G cellular technology. NB-IoT and LTE-M were originally designed to operate in-band within the LTE system and to share the LTE spectrum. Based on the characteristics of NB IoT and LTE-M, NB-IoT and LTE-M are expected to operate in-band or coexist in 5G technology in the future to achieve technology forward compatibility.

The communication module is a functional module that integrates baseband chips, memory, functional devices, etc. on the PCB and provides standard interfaces. Various types of terminals can realize communication functions with the help of communication modules. The function of the communication module is to carry end-to-end and end-to-backend server data interaction and is a channel for user data transmission. Therefore, the communication module is one of the core components of the IoT terminal.

Cellular communication modules have the characteristics of wide coverage area, low cost and low power consumption, making them have a wider and more flexible application space than the local Internet of Things. At present, cellular network connection technology is in a window period for the replacement of old and new technologies. Once cellular communication technology is successfully upgraded, a broader market will be opened up. There are two reasons. On the one hand, on October 22, 2019, Wen Ku, Director of the Information and Communications Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, clearly stated that the withdrawal of 2G and 3G is an inevitable choice for the upgrading of mobile communications, and it is also the main practice of the current international mainstream countries. At present, the transmission efficiency of 2G and 3G networks can no longer meet the needs of current social development. The conditions for the withdrawal of China’s mobile communication network 2G and 3G have gradually matured. On the other hand, with the maturity and popularization of 5G technology, it will become a trend to promote the development of wireless communication modules based on 5G technology. As of the end of 2020, my country has established more than 710,000 5G base stations, and the commercialization and popularization of 5G technology is imperative. In the future, different types of cellular network connection technologies will perform their respective roles in various IoT scenarios. IoT technologies based on 4G, NB-IoT and other technologies will gradually replace the original 2G/3G IoT technologies and provide greater bandwidth. , lower latency, and deeper coverage; at the same time, 5G-based IoT technology will play a more important role in high-speed scenarios with large bandwidth and extremely demanding latency requirements.

2. The withdrawal of 2G/3G is inevitable, and 4G and LPWAN are facing good opportunities.

2.1 2G/3G withdrawal is imperative

First of all, it is imperative to withdraw from the 2G/3G network. First of all, 2G/3G lags behind 4G network functions. Although 2G/3G networks carry many similar services to 4G networks, the efficiency of 2G/3G networks is obviously insufficient in the face of current social development. For example, a 3G base station can only support about 20M traffic at the same time. The 4G network has the advantages of wide coverage, excellent voice quality, fast Internet speed, many users, short connection time, and low power consumption. From the perspective of functionality and efficiency, 4G can completely replace 2G/3G networks.

Second, 2G/3G network operation and maintenance costs are relatively high. It is common for 2G/3G networks to experience declining communication experience and increase complaints. The reason is that 2G/3G equipment is old and has a high failure rate, mobile phones have high radiation and high power consumption, and related equipment manufacturers have stopped supplying spare parts and spare parts, causing maintenance difficulties. Currently, the single-station revenue of 2G/3G base stations can no longer offset the operation and maintenance costs, and has become a burden for operators to operate and maintain. From the perspective of reducing overall operating costs, 4G/5G is a better choice than 2G/3G.

NB-IoT is an emerging technology in the field of Internet of Things that supports cellular data connections of low-power devices in wide area networks and belongs to low-power wide area networks (LPWAN). NB-IoT device batteries have a lifespan of at least 10 years, while also providing relatively comprehensive indoor cellular data connection coverage. Supports efficient connection of devices with long standby time and high network connection requirements. NB IoT is built on the cellular network, consumes only about 180kHz of bandwidth, and can be directly deployed on LTE networks (4G) to reduce deployment costs and achieve smooth upgrades. Because NB-IoT has the advantages of low power consumption, wide coverage, low cost, and large capacity, it can be widely used in a variety of vertical industries . With the withdrawal of 2G and 3G, the development of 4G/NB-IoT modules The application scenarios will become broader. The growth in demand mainly occurs in the remote control and smart meter reading markets.

2.2 Technology iteration incubates new application scenarios

2.2.1 Remote control

The IoT remote control terminal is an intelligent terminal device based on IoT technologies such as LTE and NB-IoT that realizes remote data collection, status monitoring, image monitoring, remote communication, equipment control, abnormal alarm and data processing, storage, encryption and transmission . . The IoT remote control terminal realizes the connection between things and human-computer interaction, and is widely used in various IoT application scenarios such as status sensing, facility monitoring, data interaction, and operation control. Currently, remote control is widely used in agriculture, industry, animal husbandry, mining and other fields.

The role of remote control of the Internet of Things includes three aspects: (1) alleviating the problem of labor shortage, (2) replacing workers to complete some intensive or dangerous tasks, and protecting personal safety.

For example, mine monitoring, crop watering, etc. (3) Operation of debugged instructions can improve work efficiency and reduce labor costs. We take the specific application of remote control in agriculture as an example for analysis.

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, our country’s government departments attached great importance to the development of modern agriculture, and successively issued the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Agricultural Science and Technology”, “Several Opinions on Accelerating Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation and Continuously Enhancing the Agricultural Product Supply Guarantee Capacity”, etc. Policy documents to fully support the development of my country’s agriculture during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period.

The IoT smart greenhouse uses high-precision sensors to monitor and collect various indicators of the greenhouse environment (PH value, precipitation, air temperature and humidity, soil moisture, soil moisture, soil salinity, plant nutrition indicators, plant physiological ecology, etc.) , and then By uploading the NB-IoT network to the cloud platform and mobile APP, users can realize real-time monitoring and early warning of the crop growth environment through the cellular smart cloud platform, providing data basis for scientific production and planting; at the same time, the 4G cellular network can be used to remotely control the interior of the greenhouse. and system automation linkage control to greatly improve agricultural production efficiency, improve product quality and greenhouse utilization; establish an integrated water and fertilizer system with the help of cellular smart cloud platform to achieve precise fertilization and irrigation of greenhouses; install high-definition cameras in greenhouses to achieve Real-time monitoring of greenhouses can improve the efficiency of management personnel and manage greenhouse materials.

Using IoT technology to automate and intelligently transform agricultural greenhouses can build:

(1) Environmental monitoring system: Connect sensors through the Internet of Things to collect real-time air temperature and humidity, carbon dioxide solubility, light intensity, soil temperature and humidity, soil EC value, soil pH, soil nutrient content, etc. inside the greenhouse, and collect them through NB-IOT The communication module is uploaded to the cellular smart cloud platform, and users can view it in real time through the mobile app or the PC big data platform, and take immediate action if any abnormalities occur.

(2) Equipment management and control system: Use NB-IOT modules to build an intelligent control system that integrates the fans, water curtains, sunshade motors, film rolling motors, quilt rolling motors, heating motors, electromagnetic valves, water pumps, and water and fertilizer integrated machines inside the greenhouse. Other devices are connected, and the user terminal connects to the smart cloud platform through 4G cellular signals to realize remote control of these devices, and real-time regulation or automatic control of temperature control systems, irrigation systems , etc. based on changes in sensor collected parameters and comparison with optimal crop growth parameters.

(3) Integrated water and fertilizer system: Establish integrated water and fertilizer equipment to cooperate with drip irrigation/sprinkler irrigation pipes inside the greenhouse. Based on parameters such as soil moisture, soil EC value, soil nutrients, and air humidity collected by sensors, precise fertilization and irrigation of crops can be achieved to save money. Water and fertilizer to reduce energy consumption.

(4) Visual management system: Install high-definition cameras in the greenhouse to monitor the farm. The cellular smart cloud platform can realize 24-hour online supervision of the farm. At the same time, it is beneficial for managers to remotely monitor on -site personnel from the office., materials and crops to manage and improve management

2.2.2 Intelligent meter reading

Smart meter reading is an intelligent terminal for the smart “water, electricity and gas” network. It relies on NB-IoT technology, uses advanced energy measurement dedicated chips, applies digital sampling processing technology and SMT technology, and is designed and manufactured according to residents’ actual consumption conditions. An energy meter in a non-traditional sense. All smart meter readings are equipped with metering devices and NB-IOT communication modules, which directly upload data in a one-to-one manner without the need for a concentrator . One meter reading device combines the billing and communication functions into one. During construction and maintenance, There are huge advantages in cost. The smart meter reading system integrates the usage of thousands of households with the computer network center of the management department, fundamentally solving the current problems of low automation, many intermediate links, and untimely payment of water, electricity, and gas management.

A series of problems with traditional manual meter reading were initially solved by GPRS remote meter reading. GPRS remote meter reading is not only efficient, but also more secure, making customer payment more convenient and faster. However, GPRS communication base stations have small customer capacity , high functional loss, and poor signals, which poses great challenges to model selection and cost management of battery performance. NB-IoT has better solved the difficulties encountered in the GPRS meter reading solution. NB-IoT inherits GPRS in function. At the same time, compared to GPRS communication technology, NB-IOT has a growth potential of 50-100 times. This means that under the same communication base station coverage area, NB-IoT can provide 50-100 times the number of connections of GPRS wireless communication . The huge number of connections is beneficial to residential areas with a relatively large number of meters.

The core of NB-IoT’s smart meter reading system software consists of water and electricity meters containing NB-IoT control modules, communication base stations, NB IoT core networks, NB-IoT management service platforms, mobile client Internet intelligent management systems, and centralized meter reading intelligent management. system integration. The water and electricity meter uploads the collected usage information and its own status information to the Internet of Things cloud service platform. In addition, water and electricity meters can also receive relevant information from cloud service platforms. The mobile client intelligent management system can obtain household water/electricity/gas information from the NB-IoT management cloud service platform and monitor the user’s real-time usage status. Based on relevant data, companies can adjust prices for customers’ electricity, water, and gas at different levels, and push monthly demand and cost information to residents.

According to data, in 2019, the market demand for smart water meters was 32.3 million units, with a market penetration rate of 44.91%. In 2019, my country’s smart water meter production reached 30.08 million units, and it is predicted that my country’s smart Water meter production will reach 32.75 million units in 2020.

3. 5G technology has obvious advantages and can enter the Internet of Vehicles battlefield to solve problems.

3.1 5G has obvious advantages

5G has the characteristics of ultra-high data rates, large-scale connections, low latency, and high reliability, and is of great help to social and economic development. 5G will penetrate and affect many areas of society. The key performance indicators of 5G mainly include: user experience data rate, connection density, end-to-end latency, traffic density, mobility and peak data rate. 5G networks feature key performance indicators such as user experience data rates of over 100 Mbps, 1 million connections per square kilometer , 1 millisecond end-to-end latency, and peak data rates of tens of gigabits per second.

The key technologies of 5G mainly include wireless technology and network technology. In the field of wireless technology, technologies such as large-scale antenna arrays, ultra-dense networking, new multi-access and full-spectrum access have become the focus of the industry . In the field of network technology, new network architectures based on software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) have achieved broad consensus. The future 5G network will be a more flexible, intelligent, efficient and open network system based on SDN, NFV and cloud computing technology. Currently, 4G networks have been applied in the field of Internet of Things and are constantly developing to adapt to the application needs of future Internet of Things. New application scenarios of the Internet of Things in the future require new performance standards, such as large-scale connection of IoT devices, security, reliability, wireless communication coverage, ultra-low latency, high throughput, etc. To meet these needs, 5G technology is expected to provide new interfaces for future IoT applications . 5G will not only provide a 1,000-fold increase in Internet traffic in the next decade, but will also provide various industries with basic technologies to support the development of the Internet of Things.

3.2 Car ownership continues to grow and traffic problems become increasingly prominent

With the opening and development of China’s automobile market, the increase in China’s per capita disposable income, the improvement of automobile manufacturing technology and the reduction of costs, automobiles have become an important travel tool for contemporary Chinese people. According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, in 2020, the number of motor vehicles nationwide reached 372 million, including 281 million cars; the number of motor vehicle drivers reached 456 million, including 418 million car drivers. In 2020, there were 33.28 million newly registered motor vehicles nationwide, an increase of 1.14 million newly year-on-year, and 22.31 million licensed drivers. In 2020, there were 24.24 million newly registered cars nationwide, a decrease of 1.53 million vehicles or 5.95% compared with 2019.

The surge in car ownership has not only improved the quality of human life, but also brought about a series of social problems:

(1) Currently, traffic congestion exists in most cities in my country. Among more than 600 cities across the country, 61% have serious traffic congestion, especially during morning and evening rush hours. According to the “2019 Annual Traffic Analysis Report on China’s Major Cities” released by Amap, the per capita congestion time in my country was 174 hours throughout the year. In addition to wasting a lot of time, traffic congestion also leads to serious environmental pollution and waste of resources. Survey statistics show that the energy Consumption of motor vehicles in congestion is twice that of the optimal situation. If a car travels at 7km/h When accelerating and decelerating 1000 times between 88km/h and 88km/h, the fuel consumption is 60 liters more than when driving at a constant speed, and for a truck, it consumes 114 liters more.

(2) World Bank data shows that with the continuous increase in car ownership, the global demand for parking spaces has increased from approximately 225 million in 2015 to approximately 375 million in 2020, while the number of parking spaces has only increased from approximately 75 million in 2015. rose to approximately 120 million. The shortage of parking spaces has seriously affected economic development. According to INRIX Research, insufficient parking spaces cost the United States more than $73 billion annually.

(3) Data from the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of my country show that a total of 238,351 road traffic accidents occurred in my country in 2019, resulting in 67,759 deaths, 275,125 injuries, and direct property losses of 910 million yuan .

3.3 Autonomous driving will be difficult to realize in the short term, and the Internet of Vehicles will become a transitional method

Autonomous vehicles (Self-driving automobile) are driverless vehicles that are realized through a combination of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technology. Self-driving cars rely on cellular communication technology, artificial intelligence, visual computing, radar, monitoring devices and global positioning systems to work together to understand the driving environment, and intelligently navigate the road through the Internet of Things, allowing the car to operate without any human initiative. , drive automatically and safely.

(1) Since self-driving cars use the self-driving system to perform calculations and decisions in terms of acceleration, braking, and shifting, compared with traditional drivers, the self-driving system can make the most efficient driving behavior, which helps Ease traffic congestion.

(2) Based on the control of intelligent systems, vehicles can improve energy consumption efficiency and reduce environmental pollution. According to data from the consulting firm McKinsey, driverless cars help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 300 million tons per year, which is equivalent to half of the aviation industry’s carbon dioxide emissions.

(3) Through the comprehensive application of wireless communication technology, mobile terminal technology, GPS positioning and other technologies, as well as the intelligent management of parking lots, autonomous driving can automatically find available parking spaces near the destination and realize automatic parking through the Internet of Vehicles information. According to Bosch data, automatic parking will save up to 380 million kilometers of detours looking for parking spaces in 2025. At the same time, the Internet parking function in the United States, China and Germany will save about 70 million hours spent looking for parking spaces. time.

(4) Autonomous driving can avoid traffic accidents caused by drivers’ fatigue, distraction, drunk driving and other factors. With the civilianization and commercialization of 5G communication technology, autonomous vehicles equipped with 5G cellular communication modules are becoming more and more popular. Having faster response and decision-making capabilities in emergencies can significantly reduce the probability of traffic accidents, save the lives of passengers, and reduce economic losses.

According to data from Morgan Stanley, the productivity improvements brought about by driverless cars could add $507 billion in value to the US economy annually. When productivity improvements are combined with other benefits that driverless vehicles will bring, autonomous driving could create $1.3 trillion in value to the US economy annually, and is expected to reach $5.6 trillion globally. However, autonomous driving (unmanned driving) is the ideal state for automobile development, and it is difficult to achieve autonomous driving at the current technical level. Therefore, the transition needs to be achieved through the Internet of Vehicles. With the popularization of 5G communication technology, with its characteristics of fast transmission speed, large capacity and low delay, the data generated during vehicle driving will be transmitted to the background. The background system helps the driver make decisions through data analysis. With the continuous development of in-vehicle operating systems, cars will become fully intelligent and automated. At this time, smart cars combined with good wireless communication technology are expected to achieve autonomous driving.

The Internet of Vehicles uses driving vehicles as information sensing objects, and uses a new generation of information and communication technology to realize network connections between vehicles and The proposed Internet of Vehicles mainly serves three goals: safety, efficiency and improving the comfort of drivers and passengers . Mature Internet of Vehicles technology will bring great social and economic value to society. Connected cars equipped with 5G cellular communication modules are of great significance for improving safety and reducing traffic accidents. According to WHO, more than 1.35 million people die in car accidents worldwide every year, and 20 million to 50 million people suffer non-fatal injuries. The cost of road traffic collisions accounts for 3% of the gross domestic product of most countries. More than 90% of car accidents are caused by human error. NHTSA estimates that safety applications brought about by V2V and V2I connected to the Internet of Vehicles can reduce or even eliminate up to 80% of traffic accidents, including various accidents caused by intersections and lane changes. According to data disclosed by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of my country, the number of casualties due to road traffic safety accidents in my country exceeds 200,000 every year, and the total number of accidents reported to traffic police in various places is approximately 4.7 million. Since the implementation of the intelligent transportation plan, the total number of road safety accidents in my country has shown a downward trend, from 617,000 in 2000 to about 200,000 in 2015.

The Internet of Vehicles can alleviate or even eliminate traffic congestion and effectively improve traffic efficiency. Americans waste an average of 97 hours every year due to traffic congestion. In 2018, congestion cost American drivers nearly $87 billion, with an average cost of $1,348 per driver . Based on V2X technology, vehicles can communicate with other vehicles, infrastructure and intelligent applications, which can effectively solve the traffic congestion problem in cities. Such transportation systems can also collect real-time data, analyze traffic flow in cities, and apply better algorithms and road management measures to improve infrastructure planning. By analyzing the road information collected at each node, the Department of Transportation can deploy road crews more efficiently. As V2X telematics communications are gradually adopted, the utility brought by intelligent transportation systems is expected to increase proportionally . The application of Internet of Vehicles will also be of great help in reducing air pollution and creating a green environment. V2X technology can benefit the environment by, among other things, reducing traffic jams that increase pollution. Coordination between vehicles and infrastructure will also reduce unnecessary stops and braking, further reducing fuel consumption and emissions.

3.4 Cellular communication modules are important components for Internet of Vehicles and autonomous driving

In-vehicle communication is a mobile communication technology applied on vehicles. At present, vehicles are mainly equipped with 4G cellular communication modules for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-road communication. It organically combines traffic participants, transportation vehicles and their environment to achieve highly informatized and intelligent transportation. , means of security. With the help of mobile communication technology, issues such as driver and passenger safety, carbon emissions, and low driving efficiency can be effectively solved.

The Internet of Vehicles communication technology is divided into IEEE 802.11p (the underlying wireless communication technology used by DSRC dedicated short-range communication, which was abandoned by the United States in 2020 and turned to the C-V2X Internet of Vehicles standard mainly promoted by China) and 3GPP C-V2X (based on LTE-V2X). Represents V2X wireless communication technology based on 4G cellular network) two types. LTE-V2X, as an Internet of Vehicles technology based on LTE evolution, has many late-mover advantages . LTE-V2X fully draws on the experience and shortcomings of 802.11p during the design process, and has significant performance advantages in terms of system capacity and coverage: (1) LTE-V2X uses a combination of centralized control transmission and distributed transmission, combining V2N, V2I, V2V and V2P into an organic whole. The bottom layer of LTE-V2X has a better link budget, and relies on more refined channel design and resource allocation solutions to obtain high reliability, wide coverage, and low-latency transmission guarantees .

(2) LTE-V2X can be deployed by upgrading existing LTE network base station equipment with the help of mature LTE network and industry chain. There is no need to lay a large number of infrastructure communication modules, making it easier for the industry to develop Rapidly. LTE’s Mature Ecosystem Attracts Telecom Operators, Communication Equipment ManuFactures and Automobile Companies to Support of Vehiciles Communicate IONS BASED On Existing LTE Networks and Technologies, Making LTE-V2X A Natural Choice.

(3) LTE-V2X is an improTant Card Slot for Operators to add New Connections (Cars, BICYCLES, MotorcyCles, Pedestrians, ETC.). ICIPATE in the Internet of Vehicles Industry and PROVIDE Internet of Vehicles Related Services, Data, Services and Other Services with The Core Competitionness. From the Perspective of the Long-Term Development of Intelliga ENT Transportation, C-V2X Technology RepresenteD by LTE-V2X Has Achieved the Integration of Pass-Through and Cellular MODES, and Can Smoolhly Evolve to 5G in the Future, with Bright Application Prospects.

The Driving Car Collects the Status Information of the Vehicle ItSelf, Surrowing Vehicles and Pedestrians, and Environmental Information, Such As Vehicle Speed, Trated, Trated, Trated, Trated FFIC VOLUME, DISTANCE BETWEEN VEHICLES, and Road Information Terminal Background Through the Cellular Communication Module. The unified server performs callos to design the most efficient travel plan and driving status. F Inlly, The Cell Communication Signal Transmits the Instructures Back to the Car Terminal and is Executed by the on-Buard Computer. Same Time, The PC5 Interface of LTE-V2X Can Support Information International BetWeen Driving Vehicles and Implement An Efficient Wireless Residence Mechaanis m.

3.5 5G Network Fills The Technical Gap in the Communication Network Layer

TAKING Advantage of the Low Latence, High Reliability, High Speed ​​and Large Capacity Capability Capability, The Internet of Vehicles Can Notone Help VEHICLES Communicate with Each Other About Location, Speed, Driving Direction and Driving Intents, But Can Also Use RoadSide Facilities To Assist Vehicles in Sensing The Environment., Help V2X Operate Efficiently, Realize Information International BetWeen VehicleS and All OTher Entities, TheReby Obtainin g Driving Safety and Traffic Efficience. Through a set of data comparisons: a seth-driving car travels at a speyd of 60 kilometers per house. If the delay is 60 Millisec ONDS, The Braging Distance of the Car is About 1 Meter; if the delay is 10 MilliseConds, The Braging Distance of the Car is 17 Centimeters; if the theRTIRTICAL Delay of 5G is Reduced to 1 Millisecond, The Braging Distance is Shortened to ONL ONL Y 17 Millimeters, Which Greatly Improves The Safety of Autonomous Driving. up to 10G, It can support data transmission for at Least 800 Vehicles Per Square Kilometer. And it can support vestation at a speed of 60km/h, Trily Meeting Peopele ‘S Daily Needs.

The Characteristics of 5G IMPROVE The VEHICLE’s Perception, DeCision-Making, and Execution Capabilities of the Environment, and Bring Good Basic Conditions For Internet of Vehicles and Autonomous Driving Applications, Especially Applications Involution VEHICLE SAFETY. On December 29, 2020, SAIC R AUTO Annound that ites “5G SMART ELECTRIC SUV” Marvel R Has Obtained Srrc Certification, Becoming the First and CurrenTly Model to Pass Vehicle-Level 5G/C-V2X Terminality Product Certification. For the first time in the reason, 5G SMART VEHICLE TERMINALS HAVE Been Implementd in All SCENARIOS. Marvel R is Equipped with the First 5G Intelligent Network Direct-Connect Communication Vehicle THAS ENATERED The NATIONAL CRE TIFICATION LABORATORY TEST. It has two Powerful “Cores” Built-in HUAWEI 5G Balong 5000 Chip and Mobileyeq4h Chip , Which Can Connect with Smart Transportation Facilities and Bring Powerful 5G V2X Remote Sensing Smart Driving Function. For exmple, While Driving, MARVEL R WILL BE ABLE TOLE TOLL TOLE T Olatain Information Such as the Road Environment and Traffic Light Changes in Advance, and Complete 5G Intelligent Speed Control (VEHICLE SPEED Guidance) and 5G Intelligent Intersections Assistance, Alowing the Car to have “Predictive Capabilities” from now. ‘S Full-SCENARIO Implementation Capabilities Will Continue to Be Streangthened to Achieve Unboundeded Internet of SCENARIOS and Devices Including. V2V (VEHICLE-VEHICLE), V2I (VEHICLE-Infrastic), V2N (VEHICLE-Internet) and v2p (very-person)…

There is a Huge Demand for Cellular Communication Modules in the Internet of Vehicles, Espect Relyd. According to IHS Forecasts, The Global Market Share of Connected Cars Will Reach 350 Million Units in 2022, Accounting for 24% of the Market. At the same time, the sales of new cars with internet functions will gradually become more popular, and sales will reactive 98 Million Units (of Which 32 Million Units are Linked Through Embedded Modules, 18 Million Units Are Linked Through Smartphones, and 48 Million Units Are Mixed with Embedded Modules and Smartphones), Accounting for 94% of the Market, and An Internet C. AR Needs to be equipped with atrelular community of module, which means that in 2022 alone, Global Cellular Module Shipments in The Automotive Market Will Exceed 98 Million Units. With the mature application of 5G Technology and the Formulation of Car-Gra de 5G Terminal Standards, 5G Cellular Communication Modules are Bound to Show their Talents in the Internet of VehicleS Market.

4. New Application SCENARIOS Stimulating High-Speed ​​Shipments of Cellular Modules, and NB-Iot Will Become Mainstream

Wi-Fi Connect Devices Still has been have the update. .31 Billion Units in 2022, Including 1.61 Billion Cellular IoT Units (2019-2022 CAGR 25.61%), 2.25 Billion LPWA Units (2019-2022 Cagr 74.39%), domain Internet of Things 15.50 Billion Units (2019-2022 Cagr 19.97%). Currently, Wi-Fi-Based Lan Communication Modules Still Account for a Large Proportion of usage, Mainly for two reaSons:

(1) Wired Networks Have A Deeper Development Foundation Than Wireless Networks. Wi-Fi Connects Based on Wired Networks Have A Better Experience Thancular Commu. Nication networks and are simpler to deploy; Been Fully Implementd. The Internet of Things Based on Wi-Fi Connection has tariff advantages, so it is easy to be accepted by consumever, we should pay m olention to the face that with the emergence of New Application SCENARIOS, the Compound Annual Growth Rate of Cellular Communication Modules Has Reacked a Higher Level.

New Application SCENARIOS EMERGE, Stimulating Demand for Cellular Communication Modules. With the Withdrawal of 2g/3G and the Increase in IoT Application Scenarios Bas Bas Bas Bas Bas Bas ED on On on 4G, 5G, NB-IT and Other Technologies, Assump that Each IoT Device NEEDS to Be Equipped with at Least One Cellular Communication Module, The Demand for Cellular Communication Modules Will Increase. Munics Module Shipments in 2015 Were 111.7 Million Pieces. by 2022, Global Iot Cellular Communication Module Shipments Will Reach 313.2 Million Pieces . In 2015 -The Compound Growth Rate IN 2022 Will Be 15.86%. From the Perspective of Growth Rate, Remote Control, Health Care, and Transport the FASTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSNUAL C Ompound Growth Rates with Higher Compound Growth Rates, Which are 22.83%, 18.24% , And 14.91% Respectively. In Terms of USAGE Proportion, Remote Control, Transportation, and Smart Meter Reading for the Highest USAGE Prop cause chone 40.27%, 32.45%, and 11.85%Respectively.

NB-Iot Will Become the Mainstream Product of Iot Cellular Modules in The Future. From the Perspective of Technology Classification, AS 2G/3G WithDraws FROM THE ST Age of History, The Application SCENARIOS of 4G/NB-Iot Modules Will Become Broader and the Market scale Will Expand. In Essence, NB IOT MODULES and LTE-M Modules are Both Cellular Communication Modules and Are Based On Tractional 4G CellWork Technology. Ho. Wever, NB IOT Communication Modules are tailored and optimized to be suitable for the low-cost and low -Cost Internet of Things. Power Consumption Applications. In Addition, BeCAUSE NB-IOT is Attached to the Base Station, Network Deployment and Operation Need to Be Car RIED OUT BY Telecom Operators. TheReface, NB-IOT is Suitable for Application SCENARIOS WHERE The Device Location is FIXED, SUCH As Smart Parking, Remote Control, Smart Meter Reading, and Smart Home Appliances. In 2019, 2G Communication Modules Accounted for the Larger, Reaching 33.02%, followed by lte-cat.3/4 with a share of of 23.71%, and 3G Communication Modules with a Share of 16.6%. Techno Systems Research Predicts that in 2020, NB-Iot Will Account for the Largend of 30.56%, L Te-Cat.3/4 Will Account for Second AT 18.36%, And 2G Communication Modules Will Rank Third. NB IOT is a Standard Developed by the 3rd Generation PARTNERSHIP Project (3GPP) As PART of Release 13 of the LTE Standard For Cel Cel Cel Cel Cel Cel Lular Communications. It is a low-poper, wide-rea network (LPWAN) (LPWAN) TechNology that OperatorS on Licensed Spectrum and is Designed for IOT Devices with Low Bandwidth Requirements. Compared to Other Existing Cellular Standards, NB-IoT Is Affordable, Proves Better Indoor Coverage, Consumes Less Power and Therefore Has Longer Battery Life. in Terms of Cost, NB-Iot’s Low Power Consumption, Low Speed, and Low Bandwidth Bring Obvious Low-Cost Advantages. Based on the Above Advantages, NB-Iot Can Be Widly Use in S Mart Meter Reading, Smart Parking, Smart Wear and Other Fields, and Is An Important symbol of the upgrade of transmission layer technology.

The Price Drop Will Not Change the Trend of Market Scale Expansion. As 2G/3G withdraws from the Historial Stage and the Technologian of 4G/NB-Iot Modules BECOMES I NCREASINGLY MATURE, The Number of Applications of 4G/NB-Iot Modules Will Increase Significantly , And more competitors Will Appear in the Market. 4g/NB -the Overall Price of the IoT Communication Module Market May DeCline. In addition, Due to the Competition for 5G Modules to Enter the Market, 4G Communication Module ManuFacturers May Continue to Reduce 4G /NB-Iot Module PriceS in Order to Increase Market Share. We Made Statistics Based on SUPPLIER DATA and FOUND that the Unit Pricules in 2019 WAS APPROXIMATEL Y 131 Yuan, and the Unit Price of NB-Iot Modules was approximately 31 Yuan. It is extended that the price of 4G Modules Will Drop to Less than 100 Yuan IN 2020, and the price of nb-Iot Modules will stabilize in the Range of 18-25 Yuan. ALTH OUGH PRODUCT PRIDES Are Falling, Product Demand Is Increasing Rapidly, And the time of gradual expansion of the Market Scale Continues University. ommmunication Module Market Size in 2019 Will Be Approximately 19 Billion Yuan. Without Taking Into Account the Increased Volume of 5G Modules,, The Global Cellular Communication Module Market Size is Expected to Be Close to 30 Billion Yuan in 2022.

5. Investment Strategy: The Internet of Things Industry Focuses on the Upstream Communication Module Industry

Started from the Internet of Things, Focusing on the Communication Module Industry. From the Perspective of the Industrial Chain, the upstream of the Internet of Thing s Industry Chain Is Responsible for Perception Function. PARTICIPANTS Mainly Include Perceptual Equipment SUPPLIERS, Chip SUPPLIERS, and Communication Module Suppliers. The MidStream is resured for transmission. Participants Mainly Include Internet Operators, Telecommunications, and Radio and Television Network Operators . The download of the internet of the things industry chain Includes Middleware and Application Suppliers, Operations and Service PROVIDERS, SYSTEM Integrators, and END users Although the Internet of Things Industry is Long, The Starting Point of the Interconnection of All Things is that the connection between Things, that is, Base, Base, D on Communication and Relying On Communication Modules to Achieve Data Transmission and Internet Between The End and END . TheReface, we believe that the internet of the Things Industry FIYS Attention to the Upstream Communication Module Communication Module Industry.

According to the Previous Analysis, The Communication Module is a Functional Module that Integrates Baseband Chips, Memory, and Functional Devices On PCB, and PRO VIDES A Standard Interface Functional Module. TheReface, in Combining with the Public Information of the Leading Companies in the Industry, We are divided into the internal composition of Honeycomb Communication Modules: Chips, PCB, PN Period, Resistance to Capacity, and Other Six Major It EMS. Combined with the long -TERM Communication and the General Marketing Manual, we believe that chips are are are One of the most important of Many Raw Materials. Taking the Prospectus of the Far-Reaching Communication Prospectus as an Example, from 2016-2018, Chip Account for 83333-2018, Chip Account for 833333333333333333333333 .49%, 84.86%, and 82.33%of the Cost of the Company’s Raw Materials, Which WERE MaintAIND at a High level. In the Honeycomb Communication Module, The Proportion of Raw Materials Ranked Second and Third IS PCB And Residentance Components. From 201 6 to 2018, The Cost of PCB Account for 6.56%, 6.68%, and 7.10%, and 7.10%, Respectively; The Cost of Resistance Components Account for 3.03%, 3.59%, and 6.07%, Respectively.

Honeycomb Communications Module Involves a Variety of Functions, so a small honeycomb commit mining module contains a variety of chips, Including Baseband Chips, Radio, Radio, Radio Frequency Chips, and Storage Chips. According to the Promotional Prospectus of the Movement of the Communications, from 2016 to 2018, The Baseband Chip Accountd for 39.21%, 30.92%, and 28.54%of the Current Raw Material Costs; RF Chip Account for 27.71%, 28.16%, and 28.09%of the Current. raw materials; The Cost of Raw Materials is 12.80%, 20.46 %, and 19.20%.

5.1 Baseband Chip

The baseBand Chip is the core device in the entire honeycomb communication module. It Realizes the Synthesis of the Baseband Signal, or DeCodes the Receivers Eband Signal, Which Mainly Completes the Information Processing Function of the Communication Terminal. Market Revenue of the Global Honeycomb Baseband Chip Processor in Q3 in 2020 Increased A Strong Increase of 27 % Year -N -YEAR to $ 7.1 Billion, a Record High. In Q3 of 20 20, Qualcomm, MediaTek, HISILICON, SAMSUNG LSI and Intel Occupied The top of the honeycomb base band. AMONG THEM, qualcomm ranked first with a 40 %baseband income share, followed by mediant (22 %) And his (19 %).

At present, from the technical point of view, huaWei Hisilicon is more, Wei Hisilicon LTE Cat4 Platform Balong711 to the Internet of Things Industry. have soband chips. Baron 711 is a propuct supporting LTE-FDD/LTE-TDD/GSM Multimodalized Products Released by Hisilicon In 2014. Its Set s include Three Chips: Baseband Chip Hi2125, RF Chip Hi6361 and Power Management Chip Hi6559. In terms of 5G Baseband, Huawei Released The Baron 5000, Which Use Single -Chip Multi -Mode 5G Module. It can acheieve 2g, 3G, 4G, 4G, and 5G in a Single Chip. It Effe CTIVELY Reduces When Multi -Mode Data Exchange is generated. Extension of Power Consumption. At the say time, it is also the first to support the nsa and sa networking method worldwide, and support fdd aN d TDD to ACHIEVE FULL -Frequency Bands. In terms of rate, Baron 5000 Realizes 4.6 Gbps in the Sub-6GHz (low frequency band, 5G main frequency band) band. In the millimeter (high frequency band, 5G extension band) frequency band, it is 6.5Gbps. 10 times.

The Strongest of Overseas Baseband Chip SUPPLIERS is Qualcomm. On December 18, 2018, Qualcomm Annound the Launch of the Internal Modes (IoT) Special Modem 9 205 LTE, Which Can be used for IOT Applications Such As Asset Tracker, Health Monitors, Safety Systems , Smart City Sensors, Smart Metering Instruments, and Wearable Tracker. Compared with Previous Generations, The Modem Can Achieve A Reduct Power Consumption of UP TO 70 %0% In the IDLE MODE. The size is 50%LOWER than the Previous Generation Products, and IT is more count -eFFECTIVE. It can be widly used in terminals with smaller apparant size.

On February 9, 2021, Qualcomm Annound the Release of the Snapdragon X65 5G Modem (Baseband) and Radio Frequency System (Hereinaater Referred to As “Snapdragon X 65 “). This is the world’s first baseband with a 4nm process process and the world’s first 10Gbps 5G The Rate and the First Baseband and Radio Frequency Systems that Conforms to the 3GPP Release 16 Special 16 E Commercial Terminals USING This New System are expled to be launchd in 2021. The Snapdragon X65 users a flexible and upgraded Architecture to Support Enhanced, Expanded and Customized Cross -5G Segments; and Through Software Updates, It Supports the New Features, Functions, Functions, Functions S, and 3GPP Release 16 New Features. Especially with the Expansion of New Vertical Industries SUCH AS Calculation, Industrial Internet of Things and FIXED WIREOSS Access, The Upgraded Architecture Can Support the Future -ORIINTED SOLUTION BASED on the Snapdragon X65 to SUPPORT The Use of NEW Feat URS and Extend the Terminal USAGE Cycle and Help Reduce the Total Cost.

Strategy Analytics Believes that Q3, 5G Chip Revenue in 2020 Account for More than 60 % of Qualcomm’s Total Baseband Income. IPS and Wireless Chipsetes was Fiercely Competitive, Qualcomm Increases 5G Share to 56 % in the Quarter. Qualcommmm Will Continue to Continue Its 5G Strong Growth Momentum in 2021 With ITS DIVERSERSERSE PORTFOLIO. Chris Topher Topherror, The Service Director of Strategy Analytics RF And Wireless Components, Added: “in Q3, 2020, MediaTek Has Made Progress in the 5G Market. Its. Its. Shipments are ranked first; MediaTek’s Good Performance Will Continue Untinue UNTIL 2021. “

In the Q3, 5G Baseband Chip Processor in 2020, The Income of the 5G Baseband Chip Processor Exceeded 4G for the First Time, Acounting for More than the Total Ba Seband Income. Strategy Analytics Believes that Because the Price of 5G Baseband Chips IS Higher than the price of 4G Baseband Chips, The Shipping Volume of 5G Baseband Has Promoteed The Income Growth of the Baseband Market. In the Q1, 5G Baseband Chip Ship Ship Ship Ship Ship Sh ipments in 2020, The Total Shipments Account for Nearly 10%of the Total Shipments, But It accountd for 30%of the topal infme of the baseBand. 5G Baseband Chip is excected to become a new Growth point for the performance of the baseBand Chip SupPl IER.

5.2 RF Chip

A Wireless Radio Fquence Chip Is An Electronic Component that Converts Wireless Signal Communication Into A Signal Waveform and Sends It Through ANTENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNn a resonance. Espect. RF CHIPS Include RF Transceiver, Power Amplifier (PA), Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), Filter, RF Switch (Switch), Antenna Tuning Switch (Tuner), ETC. ETC.

The Scale of the RF Chip Market is Mainly Driven by the Demand for Mobile Terminals. In Recent Years, with the Gradual Improvement of Mobile Terminal Functions, The SHI P promotion of mobile terminals such as mobile phones and tablets have constinued to rise, and the demand and and and and Amount of Radio Chips have also increased. Since 2011, The Global Radio Frequency Switch Market Has Continued to Grow. in 2018, The Global Market Size Was US $ 1.654 Billion. It is extended that the market will reach 3.56 Billion US Dollars in 2023 . The compound growth rate of 2018-2023 Reached 16.55%.

At present, The RF Chip Industry is Fiercely Competitive. Skyworks, Qorvo, Broadcom, MURATA and Other Overseas Giants Have Basic Monopoy RF Front -End Markets, and Th E domStic Self -sufficience is low.

5.3 Storage Chip

Storage Chip is the Specific Application of the Concept of Embedded System Chips in the Storage Industry. TheTher It is a System Chip or A Storage Chip, I T is to emBed the software in a single chip to the achieve multi -Function and High Performance, As well as support for multiple protocols, Multiple Hardware and Different Applications. Looking at the Internet of Things World Under The Blessing of 5G In the Future, I T is bound to need a larger infrastructure to stick and manage data. Demanding RequireMents for TraDitational Storage Enterprises for High -Performance, Low Latence, and DIVERSIFIED Needs of Storage Data.

Storage Chips are Mainly Divided Into Flash Memory and Memory. to select memory: after the external power Memory Also Disappear, Mainly for the InternaL Storage Units of Various PCS, Servers, Workstations, and Smartphones; Flash Belongs to Non -easy -Lose Sexual Memor Y: The Content that can be stored is maily using in the memory card, u disk , SSD SOLID -STATE HARD DRIVE, Internet Embedded Memory of the Mobile Terminal, ETC.

At present, The Most Mainstream Memory is DRAM and NAND. In 2019, The Global Storage Chip Market Size Was About 111.8 Billion us Dollars. Of all semiconductor memories.

IC Insights Data Shows that the Three Major ManuFactures of Samsung, Hynix and the United States of Samsung Accountd for 95%of the Global Storage Chip Market Share. AMONG THEM, SAMSUNG Accountd for the Larget Market SHAR Three Hemiz and Micron’s 27.9%and 22.9%, Respectively.

From the publicive of segmentation, 97%of the World’s DRAM Markets Are Divided Into Three Companies, of Which Samsung DRAM ACCOUNTS for 41.3%of the Global Mark ET Share. in Terms of NAND Flash Market, According to the NANDFLASH Market Ranking in the Second Quarter Of 2020, SAMSUNG Account for 31%, which is in a leading position. Following the next thing, it is 17%. Ranking Third, Fifth, and Western Digital, Micron, Micron , And SK Hynix.

The Chinese Market Consumes 55%of the Global Storage Chip Production Capacity. Although My Country Hard to Reduce ITS Dependency On Foreign Semi. ConDuctor ManuFacturn Companies, accounting to the “semiconductor and equipment Market in Mainland China: Analysis and manual My Country ‘S Imports of 445.13 Billion Integrated Circuits on Integrated Circuits in 2019, A Year -N -Year Increase of 6.66666.6 %, The Import Amount Was 305.5.5.5 5 Billion US Dollars, a Year -on -Year Decrease of 2.1%. Integrated Circuit Exports Were 218.7 Billion Yuan, An Increase of 0.7%year -N -year, and the export value was 101.58 Billion us dollars, an increase of 20%year -Near. How Ever, there a laarge although the number of chips Independently Manufactured by China Has Increased Year by Year, The Demand Has Also Increased Year by Year. Y 2022, The Demand Will Reach 750 Million, and the Gap Between Supply and Demand IS 350 Million Pieces .

5.4 Power Management Chip

Power Management Chip is a chip with responses of transforming, allocation, detection, and Other Electrical Management in the Electronic Equipment System. Th E Power Management Chip Is Indispensable for the Electronic System, and ITS Performance Has A Direct Impaact on the Performance of the WHOLE MACHINE . As one of the indispensable deviceS for Electronic Equipment, The Market Demand of Power Management Chips Has Continued to Grow Significantly with The Continuous Gr. OWTH of Downstream Applications Such as 5G Communication, Smart Homes, and New Energy Vehice; on the Other Hand the United States Ban Has Affected Factors Such as a Large Number of Stocks. This Year’s Wafer Foundry and Sealing Capacity Have Been Seriously Tight. s Recently Appeared in Short SUPPL.

From 2016-2019, The Market Size of the Power Management Chip Industry Increased from 58.51 Billion Yuan to 73.58 Billion Yuan, With an Average Annual Growth Rate OF 7s . 94%.

In the domestic power management chip Market, overseas manuFacturers such as ti, MPS, Pi Account for about 80%of the Market Share. AMong Them, The Competition in the C ONSUMER ELECTRONIMARKET Is Extremely Fierce, and DOMESTIC POWER Management IC ManuFacturers Are Rising Rapidly In this Market. And overseas manufacturers have a trend of gradually fading out of the consumers, turning to high -Performance and High -PROFIT Markets Such asch asS Automotive -Level, Industrial -Grade, Mility Products, and Aerospace Levels.

With the development of emerging applications such as 5G Communication and the Internet of Things, the download e to develop. in 2018, The Global Power Management Chip Market has a Market Size of 25.1 Billion us dollars. IS Expected that the Global Power Management Chip Market Will Be US $ 55 Billion by 2026. According to Statistics from CISULTING, From 2015-2018, The Market Size O. F CHINA’s Power Management Chip Industry Increased from 51.87 Billion Yuan to 68.153 Billion Yuan, and ITS Annual Compound Growth Rate Reached 7.95%. It is exten to reACH 79.01 Billion in 2020 and 2021, Respectively Yuanhe 84.43 Billion Yuan, The INDUNSESTRY MA INTAINED A State of Stable Growth.

5.5 Honeycomb Communication Module

DOMATIC ManuFactuarers have. Far Communication, Telit, Sierra, Wireless, Gemalto, U-BLOX, XINXUN TONG, Guanghe Tong, and Fangfang Technology. Share of domestic module manuFactures is increasing. According to data, in 2017, The Market Share of DomStic Movement, xinxun tong, fang fang technology, guanghe tong, ant ZTE of 7%, 5%, 4%, 2%, and 3% , Respectively. In 2018, The Market Share of Domable Module Factories’ Increased Significantly. In PARTICular, The Remote Communication Reacated 12.11%, Followe d by sierra. In 2018, xinxun tong, guanghetong, and fangfang scientific and technological market shal was 4.5%, 4.5%, 5.6%, and 2.5%, Respectively.

Market Concentration is increasing. The survey results release by 2020 showed that in 2019, the shipping volum honeycomb IoT Modules Increas ED by 22%to 265 Million Pieces. The top files account for 71%of the market share. In 2018, The Market Share of the Top Five Honeycomb Communication Module SUPPLIERS WAS only 46%.

The Current IOT INS in the Ascendant, and the download is in the blue oven Stage. Ule in the Internet of Things Era Has Benefited from the Emergeence of 2G/3G Retirement Net and New Application SCENARIOS, and the Demand for Honeycomb Communication Modules in the Download Will Surge. Faced with High -Speed ​​Growth Market Space, UPSTREAM SUPPLIRS Are Already Being Started to Enhance Market Competitiveness and Occupy Advantageous Market Share. Things Communication Module Market Will Increase. In this case, A Large -Scale Enterprise with Strong Research and Development Capabilities, GOOD MARKET DISTRIBUT ION Channels, and Outstanding Cost Control Capabilities Will Be Expect to Win in this Competition.

Selected Report Source: [Future Think Tank Office Website] .keywords: Analog Input Output Module


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