
Original title: The world’s first industrial IoT core chip

The world’s first industrial IoT core chip UZ/CY2420, jointly developed by Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Taiwan Dasheng Electronics Co., Ltd.’s global industrial IoT core JI!I chip, was officially released. It is also the world’s first dedicated IoT chip that supports three major industrial wireless communication standards. The Industrial Internet of Things can effectively reduce automation costs and expand the application scope of automation systems. It plays an important role in improving the informatization level of the manufacturing industry, promoting the deep integration of industrialization and informatization, and promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. As a key technology of the industrial Internet of Things, industrial wireless communication technology has extremely high requirements on response time, anti-interference ability and reliability. At present, three major international mainstream industrial wireless communication standards, mainly ISA100.11a, WirelessHART, and WIA-PA, have been formed globally. UZ/CY2420~ can support the above three wireless communication standards at the same time. uz/CY2420 adopts advanced radio frequency architecture and has the characteristics of low power consumption, low cost, miniaturization and high reliability. It adopts 0.18 m RF CMOS manufacturing process and 40-pin QFN packaging method, and has high integration degree; the area is only 6mm × 6mm; it has a baseband/MAC processing unit and can provide hardware support for the physical layer and MAC layer of IEEE802.15.4. In addition, its innovative DLL processing unit design can provide support for the core technologies of the data link layer of the above three major international standards, with functions such as channel hopping mechanism, superframe scheduling engine and time slot communication mechanism. This chip can be widely used in industrial-grade special fields such as smart industry, smart grid, and smart transportation, and has great market potential and commercial value. At present, it has been applied in batches in projects and products of large industrial enterprises such as Chongqing Iron and Steel Group. (w.sw) The “Portable Electronic Medical Follow-up Device” (referred to as “Easy Medical Box”) developed by the Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Research Laboratory of the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences has been successfully used in the Beijing Smart Community Demonstration Project. In order to meet the growing demand for community medical information services, the Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Research Laboratory of the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences developed the Easy Medical Box product. This product can quickly measure blood pressure, blood sugar, electrocardiogram, etc. At the same time, the measurement data can be automatically stored in the health files of the street intelligent livelihood service and urban management command center, and can be synchronously interacted with the monitoring of the regional data center. If health indicators exceed the standard, the command center will notify the community service station to contact the patient as soon as possible and provide emergency services and expert services. At present, the first phase of the pilot work has been successfully completed and is being further optimized. Easy Medical Box is a scientific and technological achievement achieved by Microelectronics in the field of Internet of Things technology research. Its promotion and application provide new solutions for realizing advanced medical services and have been widely praised.


What types of IoT chips are there?

1. Security chip

Enjoying all the conveniences and cloud synchronization brought by high-tech Internet technology, people now have to face information security risks and worry about their private information and property information. Now, the security chip acts like a “safe deposit box”, storing the most important private information and password data in the security chip.

According to the principle of the security chip, since only encrypted data can be output and encryption cannot be input, encryption and decryption are performed inside the security chip, and the results can only be output to a higher level, avoiding the possibility of password leakage. The key length for decrypting the communication port of the confidential working chip is at most 2048 binary bits. That is, to decrypt the data sent from the secure working chip, a 2048-bit code must be decrypted. This is the equivalent of adding a reliable firewall to information. Enjoy the benefits and convenience of high technology more simply and with peace of mind.

2. Wireless radio frequency chip

A wireless radio frequency chip is an electronic component that converts wireless signal communication into a specific wireless signal waveform and sends it through antenna resonance. Especially in the era of the Internet of Everything and new infrastructure, wireless radio frequency chips will also be widely used.

3. Mobile payment chip

In this era of Internet of Everything, mobile payment has pervaded every aspect of our lives and is completely inseparable from it. 2. Mobile payment chips are mainly used in smartphones, so the demand for mobile payment chips depends on constantly updated smartphones. This will be a major market for mobile payment chips.

4. Intelligent identity recognition chip

Identity verification is based on the physical characteristics of the human body. Physical characteristics include human identification characteristics, such as fingerprints, voice, face, bones, retina, iris, DNA; and personal behavioral characteristics, such as signature behavior, gait, etc. In recent years, facial recognition technology has also made public biometric technology. With its powerful confidentiality performance, identity recognition has developed rapidly in various fields such as financial transactions, information security, and social confidentiality.

From 2002 to 2012, the average market growth rate of China’s biometric industry exceeded 60%. In 2012, the market size exceeded 6 billion yuan, and in 2015 it was approximately 10 billion yuan. Therefore, by 2020, the market size of my country’s biometric industry may be estimated to exceed 30 billion.

Scientists from IBM in the United States have made a major breakthrough in improving the performance of quantum computing devices. Based on a series of technologies developed by IBM, scientists can reduce basic operational errors while maintaining the integrity of the quantum mechanical properties of the basic units carrying information in qubit quantum computing. The experiment is based on superconducting qubits and is realized using silicon microfabrication technology, further accelerating the company’s development of full-scale practical quantum computers. It is reported that quantum computers use the quantum mechanical properties of matter to perform calculations, and their computing power can exceed all current supercomputers. The most basic unit of information that an ordinary computer can understand is a bit. Bits are like lights that can be turned on and off. A bit has only two values, namely “1” and…0′. For qubits, in addition to “1” or “0”, there can also be two values ​​that exist at the same time. This property of qubits is called “superposition,” and it is precisely based on this property that it can perform millions of calculations at once.

IBM scientists said: “Our quantum computer research is much more than a spectacular physics experiment. Now it is time for us to use quantum knowledge to develop computing systems that can bring computing to the next level. A whole new frontier.”

Keywords: lora digital transmission terminal


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