IoT-Technologie wird der Schlüssel zur Lebensmittelsicherheit der Zukunft sein

The credit crisis is the fundamental reason for the proliferation of food safety problems. Some people think that they can avoid it by just buying branded products. Unexpectedly, the fakes on the market are crazy. Even if you buy a bottle of mineral water, it may be produced by a black workshop. Come out, let alone go to a restaurant to eat, the fact is heart-wrenching. Anyone will have complaints about food safety. This article will not exaggerate. This article mainly talks about the scientific and technological perspective of ensuring food safety. We believe that IoT technology will enable the general public to visually and intelligently recognize food information and comprehensively solve food safety problems.


Food safety issues layered

Food safety issues are specifically divided into three levels:

1. Various biochemical substances, such as high-strength pesticides, hormones, clenbuterol, etc., are illegally added at the most basic level such as agricultural planting and animal husbandry.

2. Counterfeit and low-quality foods produced at the food processing level flow into the market and illegal production operations of brand owners, such as gutter oil, fake mutton, fake wine, fake salt and fake vinegar.

3. Market circulation and consumption: Restaurants, shops, supermarkets, etc. have no obligation to identify spoiled or fake food ingredients. They even make unhygienic meals themselves and treat consumers as human beings. Street stalls are full of roasted cat meat and boiled duck meat. yes. In addition, there are many other issues that I dare not mention here, but in principle they belong to these three levels.

The key to solving the problem is to make food safety information visible and transparent, allowing consumers to recognize and avoid it intuitively and quickly, and create a branded, safe and anti-counterfeiting market consumption environment.

Internet of Things system ensures food safety

The Internet of Things technology connects various information acquisition modules such as cameras, sensors, and positioning to the network, detects and collects various images, temperatures, biochemical indicators and other information, and then distributes it through the network for people to see and manage. The core point is to let people see and manage it. See more real information and have the ability to distinguish between false and true.


Information Acquisition is responsible for collecting, testing, and checking information related to food safety, environmental protection, and human health, and goes deep into important aspects of life.

One of the functions of the Internet of Things is to become the microscope and clairvoyance of the common people. It can obtain rich information such as the source, environment, location, safety, and logistics related to the food industry and market system. Through the Internet of Things platform, the transparency of the food industry can be realized to help people make intelligent decisions and identifications. And stay away from hazardous foods to protect your health. The specific work scenario is as follows:

1. The cultivation of food ingredients and the breeding of aquatic and meat animals are all under the camera surveillance and positioning inspection of the Internet of Things, as well as the eyes of biochemical sensors and infrared detectors. The hardware has no emotions, and the facts are facts, and the data is accurate to the extent you agree with it. If you pass the test, the information will be on the Internet. If you pass the test, you will be given a safety rating and anti-counterfeiting label. For specific technologies, please refer to the related principles of image transmission chips, positioning chips, and biochips. The above is to solve the first level problem, that is, the agricultural basic level.


Internet of Things detection at the basic level of agriculture

2. In food processing and production enterprises, the Internet of Things only allows agricultural raw materials that have passed the first-level inspection to flow in. Otherwise, PASS will not give you a corporate brand integrity rating. When qualified agricultural raw materials enter the enterprise’s production and processing lines, the detection sensors, visual sensors and biochemical chips of the Internet of Things will test the indicators in the entire time domain of the production process. After passing the test, encrypted anti-counterfeiting labels will be sprayed on the finished product packaging. The whole process is visualized and photographed, and then your company rating and product safety information will appear online and on the APP to facilitate public identification and distributor purchasing and sales. The second layer of this function is to eliminate illegal food safety operations in the production process of the company. Therefore, one look at those black workshop cameras and you can tell that the market will gradually eliminate illegal enterprises.


IoT monitoring of food enterprise processing and production

3. The third level reaches the market circulation stage. I believe everyone can think of the use of encrypted anti-counterfeiting labels to filter out fakes. Food sold in stores and restaurants does not have anti-counterfeiting labels or uses fake labels. The Internet of Things will give warnings. The Internet of Things itself only guarantees the use of qualified raw materials, production systems and processing operations. Food brands and their distributors are safety rated. Citizens can use the APP to scan labels to check whether fresh vegetables, meat and eggs are qualified, authentic and fake, whether restaurants have hygienic standards, credit ratings, real-life videos and pictures, etc., so that people can truly eat safe ingredients and food. The above three levels of IoT detection are in a progressive relationship and each one is indispensable.

Internet of Things Business Operations

In reality, only the efficient operation of operators can truly realize the application of the Internet of Things and ensure the security and reliability of the entire system’s information system. The Internet of Things gives people the ability to learn about food safety. Its profits will come from the safety ratings of food-related companies and the certification of standard facilities. It is a very complex set of capital operations and development. I believe it will create many Internet of Things business models.


At present, consumption upgrading and industrial Internet are in the spotlight. Internet of Things technology will continue to be manufactured and applied with the help of financial capital, and will eventually comprehensively solve food safety problems. Gutter oil, Sudan red, fake meat, etc. will all become the laughing stock of history.

Technology has created an unprecedented life, and the world has changed according to human will. Looking back at the history of human civilization for thousands of years, the current development is taking place in leaps and bounds. The harmony of society and nature will eventually bring us unlimited imagination.


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