What is LoRa? What are the advantages and features of LoRa?

As the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has attracted great attention in recent years, many familiar technologies and related promotions such as Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), LTE-M (Long Term Evolution, Category M1), Wi-SUN and Sigfox have Alliances compete in…

Application of IoT connection technology in smart metering

The Internet of Things connection technology has brought unprecedented convenience to technology upgrades to the industrial and energy industries. The traditional industrial Internet architecture based on IT will gradually be upgraded to an infrastructure architecture based on the trinity of…

Analysis of the development trends of the domestic LoRa industry in 2020

Currently, it has become a fact that there are more than 100 million LoRa terminal access nodes globally. Relevant reports predict that by 2025, the number of LPWAN connections in unlicensed frequency bands worldwide will grow to approximately 400 million.…

Die Unterschiede und Verbindungen zwischen Mobilfunknetzen und dem Internet der Dinge

From an operator’s perspective, IoT can be divided into IoT in licensed spectrum (long range) and IoT in unlicensed spectrum (short range). The Internet of Things in unlicensed spectrum is very common, such as ETC, WIFI, Bluetooth, NFC, etc. Using…

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