Das Internet der Dinge fördert die rasante Entwicklung der industriellen Automatisierung

In recent years, Industrial Internet of Things technology has become increasingly mature, and various service providers and integrators have sprung up, all of which have entered the field of Industrial Internet of Things. After applying the Internet of Things to…

4G DTU hilft beim Aufbau der digitalen Fabrikanwendung

With the continuous deepening of informatization in the manufacturing industry, the expansion of production scale, the improvement of production line automation, the improvement of production data utilization, etc., make “smart factories” more and more become the trend and goal of…

Die Welt rennt um die 5G-Technologie, und es wird erwartet, dass China den Weg anführt

5G is a new generation of communication technology that has attracted great attention from all countries in recent years, and there is a rush for commercial deployment. It will not only significantly improve mobile Internet business capabilities, but will also…

Ist die Abschaffung von 2G/3G eine unvermeidliche Entscheidung für die Modernisierung der mobilen Kommunikation?

Recently, China Telecom Yunnan Company issued an announcement saying: “The 3G-EVDO data service will be gradually closed starting from June 1.” As soon as the news came out, it immediately triggered a heated discussion in the circle. Why did the…

Vier Wege, wie das Internet der Dinge die Überwachung von Öl- und Gaspipelines verändert

Although pipeline transportation is considered the safest and fastest way to transport hazardous products, there are many potential problems. Whether operating upstream, midstream or downstream, pipeline monitoring is an integral part of the oil and gas industry. Under the influence…

The Internet of Things is changing four major areas of the food industry

The Internet of Things is revolutionizing the food industry. We are seeing more connected sensors, motors and controllers on the factory floor than ever before, and these technologies are being used in innovative ways to optimize operational processes and inform…

How the Industrial Internet of Things creates smart factories

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) offers the potential to transform manufacturing, both internally and externally—increasing equipment utilization, improving workflows, and optimizing supply chains. By understanding how Industrial IoT can deliver better business outcomes, manufacturers and other players in the…

Warum ist Edge Computing entscheidend für die Entwicklung der IoT-Technologie?

Edge computing is an emerging technology that enables efficient data processing because large amounts of data can be processed close to the data source, thereby reducing Internet bandwidth usage. This both reduces costs and ensures that applications can be used…

Internet of Things technology enables intelligent agricultural operations

When most people think of the Internet, they don’t immediately think of agriculture. Instead, most people think of computers or smartphones. People don’t even know yet, but Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows farmers to connect devices to the internet…

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