Main functions of industrial IoT gateway

The industrial IoT gateway is an intermediate device between two different networks, the perception layer and the network layer. It can be used for both WAN interconnection and LAN interconnection. Users can remotely manage the underlying sensing nodes through the Industrial Internet of Things gateway, understand the relevant information of each node, and achieve remote control.

Main functions of industrial IoT gateway

1. Protocol conversion capability. Protocol conversion from different sensing networks to access networks, uniformly encapsulating data in the standard format of the lower layer, ensuring that the protocols of different sensing networks can be converted into unified data and signaling; parsing data packets sent by the upper layer into sensing signaling and control instructions that can be recognized by layer protocols.

2. Manageability. First, the gateway must be managed, such as registration management, rights management, status supervision, etc. The Industrie-Gateway implements the management of nodes within the subnet, such as obtaining the node’s identity, status, attributes, energy, etc., and remotely realizing wake-up, control, diagnosis, upgrade, and maintenance. Because the technical standards of subnets are different and the complexity of the protocols is different, the management capabilities of the gateways are different.

3. Extensive access capabilities. There are currently many technical standards for short-range communications. Standardization work for IoT-Gateways has been carried out at home and abroad, such as sensor working groups, to achieve interconnection and interoperability of various communication technology standards.

Industrial IoT gateways need special attention

1. Data security: This is a key factor that determines the success or failure of large-scale IoT. As networks become an integral part of more applications, data security becomes even more important. Security issues should be addressed at every design stage, and it is unwise to add security features after all design tasks are completed.

2. Maintainable: No system is perfect. No matter how much testing is done before deployment, security flaws, vulnerabilities, and vulnerabilities will be discovered after deployment. IoT gateways and nodes must support on-site maintenance and update capabilities. Equipment maintenance should not only rely on remote maintenance, but also should have more networking methods available.

To sum up, the industrial Gateway für das Internet der Dinge is a kind of function that integrates communication management, data reception, protocol conversion, data processing and forwarding, etc. It is a way to connect one network environment to another network environment in the industrial field, and integrate security The data is uploaded to the cloud platform.


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