Six major questions and answers about smart agriculture IoT solutions

Smart agricultural IoT is an advanced stage of modern agriculture development and an important goal that modern agriculture hopes to achieve. The realization of smart agricultural IoT can help agricultural production achieve precise planting/breeding, visual management, real-time analysis and intelligent decision-making. The goal is to greatly improve the quality and value of agricultural production.


1. The role of modern agriculture in implementing smart agricultural IoT solutions

1. Effectively improve the agricultural ecological environment

Traditional agricultural production often destroys the environment in exchange for increased food production. Now the implementation of smart agricultural IoT solutions can effectively improve the agricultural ecological environment. Through systematic and precise calculations of the relationship between material exchange and energy circulation, we ensure that the ecological environment of agricultural production is within a tolerable range. For example, quantitative fertilization will not cause soil hardening, but can instead fertilize the soil, promote the growth of crops, and make the vulnerable Traditional agriculture has become a modern industry with high efficiency.

2. Significantly improve agricultural production and operation efficiency

The smart agricultural IoT solution is based on precise agricultural sensors for real-time monitoring, uses cloud computing, data mining and other technologies to perform multi-level analysis, and links the analysis instructions with various control equipment to complete agricultural production and management, significantly improving agricultural production. Operational efficiency.

3. Solve the problem of increasing shortage of agricultural labor force

At present, the shortage of agricultural labor is one of the main problems faced in agricultural production. By implementing smart agricultural IoT solutions, one person can manage multiple greenhouses and carry out large-area soil fertilization and irrigation, thus effectively solving the agricultural problem. The problem of increasing labor shortage has also led to the realization of a high degree of scale, intensification and factoryization of agricultural production.

4. Completely transform the concepts and organizational structure of agricultural producers and consumers.

The smart agricultural IoT solution has changed the past model of producers relying solely on experience for agricultural production and management, and has completely changed the concepts of agricultural producers and consumers towards traditional agriculture that is backward and has low technological content.

2. Application value of smart agricultural IoT solutions

1. The smart agricultural IoT solution adopts a fully intelligent design. Once the monitoring conditions are set, it can be fully automated and does not require manual intervention. At the same time, the acquisition and networking of farmland information can also realize natural disaster monitoring and early warning, helping users to achieve Precise control and standardized management of agricultural facilities.

2. Smart agricultural IoT solutions provide scientific basis for crop field production and precise control of greenhouses, optimizing the crop growth environment, which not only obtains the best conditions for crop growth, improves yield and quality, but also increases agricultural inputs such as water resources and chemical fertilizers. Product utilization and productivity.

3. The smart agricultural IoT solution fully realizes the instant transmission and real-time sharing of agricultural information. This technology can collect sensor data and image information collected at the production site, helping production managers to view monitoring data through their mobile phones anytime and anywhere.

4. Smart agricultural IoT solutions can ensure the safety of agricultural products and food. In the field of agricultural products and food circulation, the integrated application of agricultural product and food traceability systems such as electronic labels, barcodes, sensor networks, mobile communication networks, and computer networks can realize agricultural product and food quality tracking, traceability, and visual digital management, and enable agricultural products and food to be tracked from the field. The entire process from production to sales is intelligently monitored.

3. Use of smart agricultural IoT solutions

1. Smart agricultural IoT solutions can provide strong support for the intelligent and automated management of modern agriculture, effectively improve agricultural production efficiency, reduce production costs, and improve crop yields and quality, which means saving costs and increasing costs. can play an important role in effectiveness.

2. The application range of smart agricultural IoT solutions is also very wide, and can be used in many fields of agriculture, such as farmland water and fertilizer integration, automatic monitoring of agriculture and forestry, greenhouse monitoring, forest fire prevention, aquaculture, livestock breeding, and agricultural product quality. In terms of traceability, etc., as long as it is in the agricultural field that requires the use of agricultural IoT technology, smart agricultural IoT solutions can be used.

4. Characteristics of smart agricultural IoT solutions

The main components of the smart agricultural IoT solution include intelligent environmental monitoring systems, communication control systems, equipment control systems, video surveillance, handheld terminals, process large screens, application management platforms, etc. Among them, the environmental monitoring system is the core of the agricultural IoT , because subsequent work is carried out around these environmental detection data, an important feature of the smart agricultural IoT solution is that a wide variety of sensors will be used in the agricultural production process, including air temperature, air humidity, There are more than 200 sensors for soil temperature, soil moisture, soil Ph value, light (intensity, time), wind, carbon dioxide concentration (can also measure other gas concentrations), dissolved oxygen content, leaf moisture, etc. Generally speaking, environmental monitoring The content must be customized according to different agricultural products, so as to meet the needs of actual production. Currently, temperature, humidity, light, and carbon dioxide concentration are the most commonly used agricultural sensors in facility agriculture.

Several other features of the smart agricultural IoT solution are low power consumption, energy saving and environmental protection; new technologies such as self-organizing network, self-healing, cloud computing, etc.; no need for wiring; completely wireless equipment, no power cord required; no need for solar energy Battery power supply does not require data lines; wireless process transmission; flexible, reliable, and stable; platform-based product with strong scalability; automation; supports multiple alarm methods, etc.

5. Changes brought by smart agricultural IoT solutions to agricultural planting

The smart agricultural IoT solution is based on IoT technology and integrates emerging modern agricultural mobile Internet, IoT, video surveillance, RFID, software engineering and other technologies, relying on various sensor nodes deployed at agricultural production sites ( Environmental temperature and humidity, soil moisture, air quality carbon dioxide, QR codes, images, etc.) and wireless communication networks realize intelligent perception, intelligent early warning, intelligent decision-making, intelligent analysis, and expert online guidance of the agricultural production environment to provide precision planting for agricultural production. , visual management, and intelligent decision-making.

The application of smart agricultural IoT solutions in greenhouse planting, on the one hand, realizes the greenhouse video monitoring function. Through video monitoring, farmers can remotely view the crop growth environment and crop growth, reducing the number of on-site observations. If the crops are sick, experts can be asked to refer to the video for remote guidance. On the other hand, it realizes the remote monitoring function of the greenhouse environment, that is, using the Internet of Things sensing technology to automatically monitor and control agricultural environmental indicators to create the most suitable growth environment for crops. In addition, monitoring data can also be directly copied to promote the development of large-scale and standardized agriculture. In this way, by implementing smart agricultural IoT solutions, modern agricultural cultivation can completely get rid of its strong dependence on the natural environment and achieve the goal of high yield and high quality.

6. Domestic smart agriculture IoT solution provider

At present, the development of smart agricultural IoT has attracted the attention of the whole society, and the market is also very broad. Therefore, there are many smart agricultural IoT solution providers. However, judging from the current market, it is often difficult for many providers to have both. Regarding the research and development level of software and hardware, some may be relatively strong in hardware, but outsource software and are relatively weak; some have always been engaged in software concepts and rarely dabble in hardware; therefore, cooperate with such providers , it is inevitable that there will be concerns about product quality and stability. Although some companies have both software development and hardware products, the smart agricultural IoT solutions they provide have few practical applications and have not been able to withstand the test of actual application scenarios. Therefore, there will be many problems when implemented. , so to choose a reliable smart agricultural IoT solution provider, you also need to start from the level of software and hardware, successful cases and service levels.


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