Entwurf eines Terminals für die drahtlose Datenübertragung

In the process of gradual development and advancement in the information age, wireless communication technology has become an inevitable choice and development trend in various industries and fields of national economic construction and development. Especially for wireless data transmission operations, the importance and application value of general packet wireless services can be imagined. Based on this actual situation, this article takes the design of wireless data transmission terminals as the research object, focusing on the two aspects of technology application, based on the hardware design analysis of wireless data transmission terminals and the software design analysis of wireless data transmission terminals, focusing on this The central issue is analyzed and elaborated in more detail, and based on this, the critical position and important role and significance of technology in providing the operation quality and efficiency of wireless data transmission terminals are demonstrated.

Entwurf eines Terminals für die drahtlose Datenübertragung

The universal component wireless service technology in the new era is based on application systems, and the practical application process has shown:

① Real-time online,

② High transmission rate Theoretically, the maximum transmission data limit can reach per second,

③ Login is fast and controllable. Under normal circumstances, as long as the terminal operator performs boot operation, the entire operating process will always be attached to the network system, and its subsequent activation interval is controlled within a range and

④ Reasonable and effective billing supports various application advantages including flow billing under operation, so it has important value in the design of wireless data transmission terminals. This article attempts to analyze and explain this issue in detail.

other instructions

The requirements of the software system refer to the user’s requirements for the function of the software, that is, what the user hopes the software system can do, what functions it completes, and what performance it achieves. Unlike hardware requirements, software requirements are tangible, objective, describeable, and detectable. Software requirements are characterized by fuzziness, uncertainty, variability, and subjectivity. Software requirements include functional requirements, performance requirements, environmental requirements, resource requirements, cost consumption requirements, development progress requirements, realistic constraints, and pre-estimated goals that the system may achieve in the future. From the perspective of project development, software requirements mainly include two types of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Among them, functional requirements are the main requirements, and the problems that need to be solved by computers are the requirements for data processing. Functional requirements specify the functions that the system must perform. Non-functional requirements are some restrictive requirements, which are requirements for the actual use environment, such as performance requirements, safety requirements, reliability requirements, etc. If the demand research is insufficient and the description of user needs is incomplete or inaccurate, the project is unlikely to be successful. Therefore, adopting corresponding requirements acquisition methods according to the characteristics of software projects is a key factor for the success of software projects. This article summarizes the author’s actual work in “Project Fund Management System” and discusses several tasks and issues that need attention in the management system development requirements research stage.

Keywords: data transmission terminal


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