Wireless DTU power remote meter reading system

With the development of industrial automation, remote meter reading has become an important part of the smart grid system. Nowadays, people’s requirements for power supply continue to increase, and data obtained by remote meter reading has gradually replaced the early manual meter reading.

Traditional manual meter reading is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the accuracy and timeliness cannot be reliably guaranteed. If the meter fails, it will not be discovered, resulting in the loss of user electricity data. In today’s highly informatized world, user data statistics and real-time monitoring are a major issue that needs to be solved urgently for relevant departments.

Today, when Internet of Things communications are widely used, the remote meter reading system relying on mobile cellular networks has become one of DTU’s mature application solutions. It not only has wide coverage, low communication cost, and can read data remotely in an efficient and real-time manner, but also improves the power unit’s management planning of meter reading business and solves the problem of scattered and difficult-to-manage meter readings. It is an ideal choice for power-related units. Electricity meter reading program.

The remote meter reading system consists of three parts: meter terminal, DTU wireless data transmission terminal, and data center. Its core is to use the Internet of Things communication technology to automatically count the electricity consumption of each user through the wireless network and send it to the remote monitoring center to realize automated meter reading.

Modern building construction has placed many electricity meters together. These electricity meters have built-in microcontrollers, which can read actual power consumption data and communicate with the outside through RS485 communication. Use the RS485 interface of the DTU to connect it in parallel with the electricity meter, and use the DTU to connect to the mobile cellular network and meter reading data service center. In this way, the meter reading data service center can directly access each electricity meter, realizing a remote meter reading system.

1. Electric meter terminal: mainly completes the recording of user’s electricity consumption and responds to external reading instructions.

2.DTU: Establish a data communication link and forward data in the electricity meter and meter reading data service center.

3. Data center: Read the value of the electric meter through communication with the DTU.

Similar to electricity remote meter reading, tap water meter reading, natural gas meter reading, transmission pipeline meter reading, etc. are all typical applications of remote intelligent meter reading. Their system designs are basically the same, and they are also typical application solutions of DTU.

The wireless DTU remote meter reading system is easy to deploy, can cover designated areas, meet the requirements for transmitting large amounts of data, is highly secure and stable, and can establish reliable communication between meters and utility monitoring centers.


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