“Internet of Things Firefighting” opens a new era of smart firefighting

Everyone knows that firefighters have a profound impression of being “retrograde”. Wherever they are, they are usually the scene of fire fighting, flood fighting, emergency rescue, and rescuing people. Everyone has heard of the “Internet of Things”. Although it is not as down-to-earth as firefighters, as the name suggests, it is a network, similar to the Internet. If these two can be combined together, I can only say that the arrangement and combination of technology is really amazing.

DTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarelaDTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarela

In our daily lives, we often hear reminders such as “It’s dry and things are dry, be careful about burning candles” and “Beware of fire and theft”. This also means that fire has a huge destructive power on life. According to statistics from January to October 2017, a total of 219,000 fires were reported across the country, resulting in 1,065 deaths and 679 injuries. Direct property losses were estimated at 2.62 billion yuan. According to statistics, in the past ten years, more than 300 fire fighters in our country have died on the front line of rescue operations in fire scenes where thick smoke is raging.

The occurrence of fires is random and complex, and the consequences are unpredictable. How to stop losses and reduce injuries when a fire occurs and minimize losses is the key. How to avoid firefighters being injured in a fire has become the key. The unrelated “firefighting” is empowered by the “Internet of Things”, interpreting a vivid song of “Internet of Everything”.

As an extension of the Internet in reality, the development of the Internet of Things is changing the way many living habits operate. The “Internet of Everything” therefore has a very obvious feature: smart life. We might as well understand layer by layer, once the “Internet of Things” empowers firefighting, how will firefighting become IoT-enabled?

Industry insiders explained that the Fire Internet of Things uses Internet of Things information sensing and communication technologies to link the equipment and facilities in the traditional fire protection system with the fire information required for various elements involved in fire supervision and management, and firefighting and rescue by public security agencies and fire agencies. Together, information such as the water level of the high-level water tank, the water level in the fire pool, whether the fire hydrant is working normally, the usage of fire equipment is within the monitoring range, and the distribution of local water sources can all build a highly aware fire protection foundation. environment.

Simply understood, in the field of fire protection, whether it is equipment, water resources, or data, it has become information that is real-time, dynamic, interactive, integrated, and processed. This also means that the fire protection Internet of Things has become a large database, and this database has become the foundation of “smart fire protection”, one of the smart lives.

Because the “Firefighting Internet of Things” has a large amount of data, analysis is naturally required. Smart firefighting is the process of integrating firefighting equipment and facilities through the Internet of Things platform, rapid analysis and timely feedback to improve firefighting efficiency. This process includes, through the analysis of information collected by the “Firefighting Internet of Things”, the fire department can scientifically perceive fire protection facilities, fire equipment, and fire personnel, etc., and the fire department can obtain information about the location and intensity of the fire at the first time. size and other information to make firefighting decisions.

In addition, these data analyzes can also help the fire prevention and control department understand the operation status of the automatic fire alarm system and the frequency of fire events in various regions anytime and anywhere, so as to formulate prevention plans in advance. By analyzing the distribution of local water resources, the fire department can also find solutions to problems such as difficulty in water supply, difficulty in finding water, and shortage of water sources that often occur in fire scenes. In this environment, the dispatch and use of fire equipment and firefighters become more reasonable, and some fire dangers can be controlled in time.

Even though fire has always been a safety problem throughout the ages, with the rapid development of “Internet of Everything”, “Internet of Things + Fire Protection” will soon set off a revolutionary progress in the entire fire protection industry.

In addition, smart fire protection is only one ten thousandth of the Internet of Things known as the “Internet of Everything”. There are other N types of IoT-style empowerment, are you looking forward to it?


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