What is the difference between DTU and RTU?

DTU y RTU are two types of products that are often used in the Internet of Things communication industry. So what is DTU and what is RTU? What are the differences between DTU and RTU? This article makes some brief comparative analysis for communication.

DTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarelaDTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarela

Basic concepts of DTU and RTU

DTU (Data Transfer unit), the full name in Chinese is data transmission unit, which is a wireless terminal device specially used to convert serial port data into IP data or convert IP data into serial port data for transmission through a wireless communication network. DTU is widely used in meteorology, hydrology, water conservancy, geology and other industries.

RTU (RemoteTerminalUnit), the full name in Chinese is remote terminal control system, which is responsible for monitoring and controlling on-site signals and industrial equipment. RTU is the core device that constitutes the enterprise’s comprehensive automation system. It usually consists of signal input/output modules, microprocessors, wired/wireless communication equipment, power supplies, and enclosures. It is controlled by the microprocessor and supports network systems. Through its own software (or intelligent software) system, it can ideally realize the telemetry, remote control, remote signaling and remote adjustment functions of the enterprise’s central monitoring and dispatching system for primary instruments at the production site.

What is the hardware difference between DTU and RTU?

The hardware of RTU mainly includes functional modules such as CPU, memory, and various input and output interfaces. These modules are integrated into the circuit board, and the connection of each functional module of the RTU is completed through circuit board wiring. The CPU is the central system of the RTU controller and is responsible for processing various input signals. After calculation and processing, the output is completed. The memory is the RTU memory system, used to store various temporary or permanent data.

The hardware components of DTU mainly include CPU control module, wireless communication module and power module. The advantages of DTU include: rapid and flexible networking, short construction period, and low cost; wide network coverage; good security and confidentiality; link support is always online, billing based on traffic, and low user cost.

What is the functional difference between DTU and RTU?

Both DTU and RTU collect and upload data through wireless networks.

DTU generally supports RS232 and RS485 interfaces, transparently transmits through the operator’s network, and uses some simple protocols. The RTU has the function of acquisition control, has many interfaces, and the protocol is relatively more complex.

To sum up, the main difference between RTU and DTU is that DTU only provides links and can set serial port parameters to connect to collection devices, while RTU is equivalent to DTU collection, and some can directly collect switch analog signals. Simply put, DTU is data transmission equipment, while RTU is data acquisition equipment. The division of labor between the two is clear and easy to distinguish. You can choose the corresponding product according to your actual needs.


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