escenarios de aplicación de lora

The outstanding features of LoRa technology in terms of high performance, long distance, low power consumption, and support for large-scale networking, ranging and positioning make this solution (terminal LoRa base station) an ideal technology for the large-scale promotion and application of the Internet of Things. choose. In fact, there are currently 52 LoRa networks in the world covering more than 100 countries. LoRa is more suitable for scenarios where enterprise users have high requirements for autonomy, speed, continuous coverage, and deep coverage. The adoption of the LoRaWAN protocol in the domestic market mainly focuses on vertical fields such as smart cities, smart buildings, smart homes, smart agriculture and industry.

Vertical sectors such as agriculture and industry.

(1) Smart Agriculture For agriculture, low-power and low-cost sensors are urgently needed. The application of temperature and humidity, carbon dioxide, salinity and other sensors is of great significance to agriculture to increase production and reduce water consumption. These sensors need to upload data regularly, and many remote farms or cultivated land do not have cellular network coverage, let alone Let’s talk about 4G/LTE, and building a private Internet of Things through LoRa technology is very suitable for such scenarios [1].

escenarios de aplicación de lora

(2) The smart factory uses LoRa gateway/base station to provide full wireless signal coverage in the factory. At the same time, LoRa modules are installed at each data collection node in the factory to achieve dynamic full collection of data during the production cycle and real-time information collection based on the actual needs of the factory. After the information is transmitted to the system management platform, the data system is analyzed and optimized, and then accurately transmitted to the WEB service system or mobile APP system to enable production managers to simultaneously understand the information needed in the production process, achieving a high degree of security in information storage and flexible information acquisition. timely.

(3) Item tracking In this field, the cost of the tracking system and the battery life of the terminal are very important, so it is suitable to use LoRa technology for tracking. Enterprises can deploy networks at locations based on positioning needs, and LoRa can provide a quick and convenient deployment solution. For example, during the transportation process, the goods will be placed in the warehouse most of the time, or distributed to various places by trucks. You only need to equip the LoRa gateway in the warehouse, logistics network coverage area, or even the truck to make the goods The tracker on is connected to the network. Enterprises have strengthened management and efficiency and can avoid the loss of goods; consumers can also control the flow and timing of goods. Ofo, a shared bicycle company, equips its bicycles with LoRa devices and wireless radio frequency technology to supplement its licensed spectrum connection options to achieve complete network connectivity, thereby achieving coverage in remote areas and dense building clusters, and effectively positioning bicycles.

(4) Smart buildings transform buildings by adding sensors for safety management, environmental monitoring, equipment management and control, and regularly uploading monitoring information, which facilitates the supervision and operation of managers. Through the connection between the LoRa base station and the narrowband IoT smart access control terminal, real-time access control, manual control, time period control, one-key locking, one-click door opening and other intelligent management and control modes are realized. The IoT access control combines human defense and technical defense to provide real-time control. Personnel access information, control the first door for safety precautions. Through the connection between the narrowband IoT intelligent management and control terminal and the IoT intelligent lighting switch, timing control, intelligent management and control, etc. are realized. The narrowband IoT lighting combines the separate and centralized control modes into one, and can be flexibly applied to save power consumption. A LoRa base station can control up to tens of thousands of access control devices/lights, and supports a wireless viewing range of 10 km.

(5) The Internet of Things alarm uses LoRa technology to connect environmental detection intelligent terminals (temperature and humidity, fire smoke, water level, harmful gases, etc.), which can flexibly arrange terminal alarm points to achieve regional alarm and respond quickly when encountering alarm situations. Report. It is suitable for monitoring scenes such as historical buildings and temporary large-scale event venues that are inconvenient for construction.

(6) Parking management: In view of management problems such as difficulty in parking on urban roads/parking lots, arbitrary charging, and upper and lower information asymmetry, through narrowband Internet of Things technology, when deploying LoRa sensors in parking spaces, there is no need to consider line problems during the installation process, saving a lot of construction cost. One LoRa gateway can manage LoRa sensors in hundreds of parking spaces, monitor parking space conditions in real time, and fully control parking space usage.

(7) The application of LoRa spread spectrum technology for gas wireless meter reading in civil gas wireless meter reading consists of the company’s main station management system, community concentrator, handheld computer and user-end spread spectrum meter. The spread spectrum wireless meter can provide active and passive Two wake-up meter reading modes meet the different business needs of gas companies. This solution effectively solves the technical shortcoming of wireless meters that must use inter-unit networking or external repeaters to extend the transmission distance, and opens up the last mile data channel for smart meter reading applications.

Keywords: lora


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