Aplicación de la tecnología de comunicación 4G en el Internet de los objetos

The application of the Internet of Things has greatly promoted the development of our country’s economy, especially the promotion and use of 4G network technology, which has brought opportunities for the development of the Internet of Things technology. Therefore, the application of 4G mobile communication network has positive significance for achieving better development of the Internet of Things. The author introduced the basic concepts of Internet of Things technology, analyzed the application of mobile communication networks in the Internet of Things, and discussed the application and prospects of 4G networks in the Internet of Things for reference.

my country’s mobile communication technology has achieved great development in recent years, and based on my country’s actual situation, the continuous development of Internet technology has played a positive role in improving the speed and convenience of all types of information dissemination. As for mobile communications, the gradual popularization of 4G networks and the development of the wireless communications industry have played a positive role in the application of mobile communications technology. Internet of Things technology has been proposed and gradually applied in my country in recent years.

New technologies are used, and the development of 4G communication technology will provide better platforms and technical support for the application of Internet of Things technology.

1Basic situation of the current development of the Internet of Things

1.1 Basic concepts of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things mainly uses radio frequency identification, infrared sensing and GPS positioning systems to achieve connection with the Internet through certain rules to realize the identification, positioning and tracking management of items. At present, this type of technology is still in its infancy, with most technologies and equipment still in the research and development and trial operation stages. For example, the sensor project, although still in the period of laboratory exploration and experimentation, covers a wide range of areas. At present, my country’s Internet of Things has has been basically used in the industrial field, and its coverage is large, playing a positive role in my country’s economic development.

1.2 Main components of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things currently mainly has a three-layer structure, namely the perception layer, the network layer and the application layer. In essence, the Internet of Things mainly integrates and applies modern technologies, such as perception technology, modern network technology and artificial intelligence technology. Since the development of Internet of Things technology involves all aspects of information technology, it is called the third revolution of information technology. Its essence is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, the “things” that need to be connected to the Internet must have the ability to interconnect with the Internet. Secondly, the “things” incorporated into the Internet of Things should have the function of automatic identification and communication; thirdly, the Internet of Things network information system should have the characteristics of automation and self-feedback.

1.3 Recent developments of the Internet of Things market

At present, IoT technology is developing rapidly around the world and has undergone a wide range of changes and applications in recent years. The application of mobile phones, electronic games and sensor networks has played a positive role in the large-scale application of Internet of Things technology. In European and American countries, the application of Internet of Things technology is regarded as an effective means to consolidate the country’s comprehensive national strength and increase the economic growth rate. For example, a foreign technology company uses the Internet of Things to

The Internet has gained more than 10 billion in revenue, which shows the application value of the Internet of Things. At home, our government has provided a lot of support in terms of funds and policies. For example, our country has cultivated more than 100 Internet of Things companies in recent years and achieved great development. The economic income of Chinese enterprises due to the Internet of Things is increasing year by year, and has an accelerating growth trend. According to data, the economic growth rate of the core Internet of Things industry will exceed 35% in the next three to five years. It can be seen from the above data that IoT technology plays a decisive role in economic development, and enterprises should take effective measures to strengthen the application of IoT technology in practical applications.

2 Analysis of the application of mobile communication technology in the Internet of Things

2.1 Application forms of mobile communications in the Internet of Things

Mobile network technology has played a positive role in the development of network technology in our country, and is of great significance for people to use the network conveniently and efficiently. Especially in recent years, the development and popularization of 4G network technology has played an important role in the use of the network. Compared with mobile networks, its main components include mobile terminals, transmission networks, etc. In IoT applications, mobile communication terminals, as terminal devices for accessing IoT information, will change with the movement of network information nodes , so that information nodes and communications do not change with changes in location and time.In this case, mobile terminals are used to implement

Networked data transmission not only ensures that each node is connected to the Internet of Things in real time, but also realizes long-distance transmission of information, ensuring the safe transmission and effective operation of network information. It can be said that in the security and operation management of the Internet of Things, the management and maintenance of the Internet of Things are realized with the help of mobile communication networks, which promotes the development of the Internet of Things.

2.2 Application of mobile communication terminals in the Internet of Things

The main function of mobile terminals is to receive information and make information more mobile. As people’s demand for the Internet gradually increases, the movement of devices has a positive effect on the development of the Internet of Things. Mobile information terminals can better solve the problem of device mobility, allowing people to connect to the Internet of Things through mobile phones and other mobile terminals. For example, in home life, the application of mobile terminals to connect to the Internet of Things allows people to effectively monitor home conditions, improves the safety of living, and is of great significance to ensuring the safety of people’s lives.

2.3 Application of mobile transmission network in the Internet of Things

As mentioned earlier, the development of the Internet of Things is inseparable from the transmission and effective operation of information. To achieve this goal, the Internet is an indispensable medium. However, in order to achieve real-time and high-speed transmission of information , the application of 4G mobile communication technology will It plays a positive role in the better application of the Internet of Things. On the other hand, another reason for the application of mobile communication technology in the Internet of Things is that the application of 4G network technology has enabled the rapid development of transmission technology, created excellent conditions for the application of the Internet of Things, and solved the problem of the development of the Internet of Things. problems existing in. In addition, in the development of the Internet of Things , the application of mobile communication platforms provides technical guarantees to ensure data transmission and the development of the Internet of Things. For example, mobile communication technology enables automatic detection of equipment performance and applies mobile communication platforms to the Internet of Things, which brings opportunities to improve the effectiveness and real-time performance of information data transmission.

3 Problem analysis and prospect discussion of 4G mobile communication technology in the application of Internet of Things

3.14G mobile communication technology problem analysis and measures in the application of Internet of Things

Although the application of 4G mobile communication technology in the Internet of Things has played a positive role in the development of the Internet of Things, there are still certain problems in actual use. First of all, when 4G network information terminals transmit information, they mainly use voice signals and information signals. It is difficult to achieve actual control of objects, which means that the mobile terminal cannot effectively connect with the Internet of Things. Therefore, effective measures must be taken to increase the sensing function. with control functions imminent. In this regard, while effectively strengthening network management, we should pay attention to the actual development needs of the Internet of Things, and the following points should be considered: First, the application process of the Internet of Things involves many terminals, requiring mobile communication technology to have the connection capabilities of more users. It can ensure that information transmission and reception meet system requirements; secondly, the Internet of Things must have higher security and reliability in the process of transmitting information. When mobile communication technology is applied, it improves signal transmission and enhances security and reliability; Third, focus on developing new IoT businesses, and focus on the effective role of mobile communication technology in the business development process, to achieve an organic combination between the two, achieve better development of IoT technology and bring great benefits to people’s lives. convenient.

3.2 Prospects for the application of 4G mobile communication technology in the Internet of Things

At present, China Mobile has deployed quite mature and wide-coverage 2G and 4G cellular networks across the country. How to achieve good IoT support at low network transformation costs based on the existing cellular network is currently urgent. question. In June 2016, 3GPP formulated the cellular Internet of Things vendors specification, named NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things, NB-IoT). NB-IoT has received great attention and strong support from operators, equipment, chip and terminal manufacturers since the beginning of the project . By the end of 2017, 19 operators around the world will have deployed NB-IoT networks. China Mobile, China Both China Telecom and China Unicom will conduct network deployment in 2017. In view of the huge differences between IoT communications and traditional mobile communications , 3GPP has fully considered this at the beginning of the specification formulation and has formulated the following goals. As shown in Figure 1.

The Internet of Things technology is developing rapidly in our country, and with the development of our country’s economy and the gradual improvement of people’s living requirements, the Internet of Things technology has huge room for development. The promotion and use of mobile 4G networks that support NB-IoT technology and eMTC technology bring technical guarantee and support to the development of the Internet of Things. This article introduces the basic concepts of Internet of Things technology, analyzes the application of mobile communication networks in the Internet of Things, and discusses the application and prospects of 4G networks in the Internet of Things to provide reference for later management.



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