Application of 4G DTU in smart express cabinets

The main function of 4G DTU is to transmit data from remote devices back to the background center wirelessly. Taking ZHC4921 of Zongheng Intelligent Control as an example, remote devices can be connected to the network to achieve remote operation and monitoring. The most common device in daily life is the smart express cabinet.

Smart express cabinets are a product of the combination of the Internet of Things and cloud computing technology. In addition to the front-end access system, the back-end PC can also monitor and process the data of the smart express cabinet.

Compared with traditional express delivery cabinets, smart express cabinets can access the network through 4G DTU , and can use programs and software to simply interact with couriers and recipients. At the same time, data (express cabinet status, delivery and pickup quantity, empty space) can be The number of boxes, etc.) is transmitted to the backend center through the cloud data platform to provide data basis for the backend center’s decision-making.

DTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarelaDTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarela

After the courier delivers the parcel to the smart express cabinet at the designated location, the express cabinet will automatically generate a message and send it to the express delivery mobile phone number, including the location of the express cabinet and the pickup password. The user can enter the password to pick up the parcel at the designated location.

Smart express cabinets optimize the entire express delivery process. After the courier delivers the parcel to the designated location, he only needs to put the parcel into different cabinets according to the volume. There is no need to go door-to-door to deliver the parcel, and there is no need to waste delivery time because the recipient is not at home, etc., which greatly improves the efficiency of delivery. cargo efficiency.

Smart express cabinets can save recipients from the trouble of being unable to receive goods on working days. Express cabinets temporarily store express items in the delivery box, and users can pick them up at any time 24 hours a day. This is considered express delivery. An effective solution to serve the “last mile”, thus solving the problems faced by many people.


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