Recently, Chengdu High-tech Zone released the first batch of gradient cultivation enterprises in 2020. As a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of Internet of Things data communication products and related overall solutions, Zongheng Intelligent Control stood out…
¿Qué es una interrupción externa y el modo de activación de la interrupción externa?
What is an external interrupt and the triggering mode of the external interrupt? 2020-08-17 14:39:04 Zongheng Intelligent Control 5 What is an external interrupt? Where is the data sheet? (1) One of the interrupt types supported by SoC is called…
qué es la interrupción
what is interrupt 2020-08-17 14:24: 44Zongheng Intelligent Control 3 what is interrupt (1) The invention of interrupts was used to solve macro-parallel needs. Macro means looking at it as a whole, and parallel means that multiple things are completed. (2)…
Qué es la interfaz DB9
What is DB9 interface 2020-08-14 10:57:29 Zongheng Intelligent Control 1 DB9 interface introduction (1) The DB9 interface is a standardized interface commonly used in the early days of serial communication. (2) Serial communication was the main means for computers to…
¿Qué es la comunicación simplex y full-duplex?
What is simplex and full-duplex communication? 2020-08-14 10:30:48 Zongheng Intelligent Control 3 What is simplex and full-duplex communication? Simplex means one direction, and duplex means both parties send and receive at the same time. They can only send and receive…
The difference between serial port and parallel port
The difference between serial port and parallel port 2020-08-13 14:12: 14Zongheng Intelligent Control 6 serial port The serial port is also called a serial port. Compared with the transmission speed of the parallel port, the transmission speed of the serial…
What is GPRS DTU and how it works
What is GPRS? The full name of GPRS DTU is GPRS data transmission unit. Currently, there is no specific name in China, and there is no clear agreement. Some people also call it data transmission terminal, data collection terminal, etc.…
What is a serial port communication protocol? There are several common ones.
What is a serial port communication protocol? There are several common ones. 2020-08-11 17:55:30 Zongheng Intelligent Control 5 What is a serial communication protocol? In layman’s terms: it is the protocol transmission method used in serial communication. The explanation in…
Qué es el puerto serie paralelo, conexión puerto serie
What is serial port parallel, serial port connection 2020-08-10 18:19: 13Zongheng Intelligent Control 4 Parallel and serial interfaces (1) Serial and parallel mainly consider the number of communication lines, which is the amount of information that the sender and receiver…
La historia del desarrollo de las comunicaciones
La historia del desarrollo de las comunicaciones 2020-08-06 18:10:10Zongheng Intelligent Control 3 La historia del desarrollo de las comunicaciones (1) La comunicación más temprana: torre de faro, faro; carta: comunicación electrónica (telégrafo, teléfono, señal de red) (2) Los dos aspectos más importantes de la comunicación son la representación de la información....
Explicación detallada del protocolo Modbus RTU
Explicación detallada del protocolo Modbus RTU 2020-08-05 17:31: 44Zongheng Intelligent Control 5 Protocolo de comunicación MODBUS_RTU Protocolo de comunicación MODBUS_RTU (este acuerdo adopta el método de pregunta y respuesta maestro-esclavo) Medidores/transmisores de la serie PDM: Los medidores/transmisores de la serie PDM adoptan un diseño totalmente nuevo, que revoluciona el concepto...
What are link addresses and running addresses in embedded
What are link addresses and running addresses Link address and running address: may be the same or different. For position-related code, the running address during final execution and the link address given during compilation and linking must be the same,…