Explicación detallada del proceso de trabajo de DTU_Problemas comunes en la aplicación de DTU

El nombre completo de DTU es unidad de transmisión de datos. En China, DTU tiene en realidad una definición más clara: DTU es un dispositivo terminal especialmente utilizado para transmitir datos de puerto serie a través de una red inalámbrica. El siguiente artículo presenta el funcionamiento...

Fish pond breeding solution based on Internet of Things RTU

Most of the fish pond breeding water uses circulating water. The quality of the water determines the stability of the pond’s ecosystem. How to control water quality and biological components is a difficult point in farming. Fish feces and leftover…

Application scenarios of GPRS DTU_GPRS DTU usage scenarios

GPRS DTU is an industrial-grade wireless data transmission device that provides users with the function of transparent TCP wireless long-distance data transmission or transparent UDP wireless long-distance data transmission through the mobile GPRS network. The more professional GPRS DTU also…

How to detect whether DTU signal is stable

DTU is an Internet of Things wireless data terminal that uses public operator networks to provide users with wireless long-distance data transmission functions. It uses high-performance industrial-grade communication processors and industrial-grade wireless modules. The stability of DTU is the primary…

Comprehensive analysis of wireless communication modules_Advantages of wireless data transmission modules

The wireless communication module is the information portal for all types of smart terminals to access the Internet of Things. It is a key link connecting the perception layer and network layer of the Internet of Things. It is the…

Análisis de las ventajas del módulo de comunicación inalámbrica módulo de transmisión de datos 4G

Most of the modules involved in the Internet of Things are wireless communication modules. The function of the wireless communication module is to connect things with each other, allowing various Internet of Things terminal devices to achieve information transmission capabilities,…

[New Product Recommendation] 4G DTU Wireless Data Transmission Terminal

ZHC4012 is a seven-mode full network industrial-grade wireless data transmission terminal. It is designed to fully meet industrial standards and the needs of industrial users. It uses high-performance QUECTEL EC20 communication chip, software multi-level detection and hardware multi-protection mechanisms. Improve…

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