Diez funciones básicas y cuatro formas técnicas del Internet de los objetos

The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology and an important development stage in the “information age”. The Internet of Things technology is another climax of the development of the world’s information industry…

Llegaron las oportunidades para hacer más seguras las ciudades, la lucha contra incendios inteligente y el IoT

With the continuous development of urbanization, the number of high-rise buildings in my country currently ranks among the best in the world. At the same time, fire protection work is also facing unprecedented challenges. How to prevent fires and ensure…

La clave de la comunicación entre la Internet de los objetos y los humanos: el protocolo de transmisión

Los dispositivos IoT utilizan distintos protocolos de comunicación y mensajería en diferentes capas. A la hora de desarrollar dispositivos IoT, el tipo, las capas y las funciones que se pretende que realice el dispositivo suelen determinar la elección final. MQTT, XMPP, DDS, AMQP y CoAP son algunos de...

The Internet of Things’ entry into the lighting field is “unstoppable”

The concept of “Internet of Things” was officially proposed in 2005. In 2009, China proposed “Perception of China”. The status of the Internet of Things was further enhanced and was officially listed as one of the country’s five emerging strategic…

Analyze the application structure of the Internet of Things in the lighting field

“The Internet of things” is the English name of the Internet of Things. In China, the Internet of Things is called the “Sensor Network”, so sensors play an important role in the Internet of Things. The main roles in the…

A simple comparison of the carriers of the Internet of Things in the field of lighting

The Internet of Things can be understood literally by breaking down the words. Things are lighting nodes, connections are the Internet, and networks are networks or cloud services directly formed by things. From this point of view, the Internet is…

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