Vea cuáles son las tres tendencias que lideran el futuro del Internet de los objetos.

Despite years of development, the Internet of Things still faces the challenge of application fragmentation. In the foreseeable future, the Internet of Things will tend to flourish in vertical industries. In addition, there are three trends worthy of attention. 1.…

Llega la era de la lectura inteligente de contadores: los contadores de agua IoT ampliarán el mercado

With the development of science and technology and the continuous progress of society, the traditional water industry has been affected by the strong momentum of the Internet of Things, and coupled with its own many difficulties and pain points, the…

El Internet agrícola de los objetos es una tendencia inevitable para el desarrollo futuro de la agricultura de mi país

At present, my country’s agriculture is in the transition period from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The agricultural Internet of Things will play a unique and important role and provide unprecedented opportunities for the development of modern agriculture. The use…

The Internet of Things is changing our world and affecting our work and life

As IoT technologies are integrated into our lives, the way we live, work, and interact with the world is gradually changing. Although we may not realize it, the number of connected devices around us is growing at an exponential rate,…

Let the “Internet of Things” help smart parking

A medida que las dificultades para aparcar afectan gradualmente a la vida cotidiana de las personas, muchos propietarios de automóviles esperan poder estacionar sus coches en aparcamientos que no les causen preocupaciones y que sean cómodos para aparcar y acceder a ellos. Con la aplicación gradual de los...

Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN): Shaping the Future of IoT

IoT wireless connectivity networks are booming to help meet the networking needs of a variety of devices—from connected cars and smart homes to smart lighting and infrastructure. Low-power wide area networks (LPWAN), in particular, are particularly suitable for IoT systems…

Los cuatro malentendidos más comunes sobre el Internet de los objetos

Now is the era of the Internet of Things. The advancement of science and technology has made people’s lives more convenient. However, most people may have some misunderstandings about the Internet of Things. Today, this article will tell you about…

El mercado de aplicaciones de Internet de las Cosas de mi país presenta cuatro grandes diferencias

In recent years, the Internet of Things has begun to be applied on a large scale in the fields of environmental protection, transportation, security, electricity, logistics, and medical care. People have actually begun to unconsciously feel the changes brought by…

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