In what environments are IoT devices applied to homes, businesses, and industries?

The Internet of Things involves extending internet connectivity to anything from standard devices like traditional desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets to connecting physical devices and everyday objects that are not internet-enabled. These devices are embedded with program technology, can communicate…

What is the difference between lora private protocol networking and LoRaWAN protocol for IoT deployment?

LoRa Alliance There is a movement to standardize LoRa’s MAC functionality, called the LoRa Alliance. The LoRa Alliance developed the LoRaWAN protocol for use by mobile network operators that use unlicensed spectrum to communicate with IoT devices in their networks.…

Cuatro tendencias principales en la fabricación inteligente IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an interconnected network of physical items embedded with software and connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data, ushering in the fourth industrial revolution. Smart manufacturing is making waves across all industries.…

¿Cómo ayuda el servidor de puerto serie al PLC a lograr la comunicación en red?

In the context of Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025, China’s industry is accelerating intelligence and informatization. Its main manifestation is that traditional enterprises realize unmanned office work through IoT wireless technology. For example, assembly line work that was…

¿Cuáles son los factores que afectan a la velocidad y la distancia de transmisión de la lora?

In radio technology, basically three characteristics can be used to characterize a radio network: ● Range/distance ● Data transfer speed ● Power consumption. The criteria for these three indicators are certainly not the same, since the laws of physics set…

How industrial router-type cellular equipment improves efficiency

As Internet of Things (IoT) applications expand, the scope of their associated networks must also expand. While Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee are available for convenient wireless networking near or within industrial facilities, some Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks require…

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