Python surpasses Java for the first time to become the second most popular programming language

Recently, Tiobe released the November 2020 programming language rankings. The ranking shows that Python surpassed Java for the first time and became the second most popular programming language. In the nearly 20-year history of the Tiobe Index, C and Java…

Design and implementation of RS232 multi-serial channel single-fiber optical terminal

Foreword: In order to effectively extend the data transmission distance and solve the problems of electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic interference prevention, non-common ground between point-to-point devices, lightning strike resistance and channel resource sharing when transmitting data through cables, the multi-protocol serial…

Application of RS485 in intelligent meter reading system

Introduction: In order to fully meet people’s growing material needs, smart water meters have gradually replaced non-smart water meters. In the application process of smart water meters, the RS485 bus is widely used. The bus structure is simple to apply…

A brief discussion on the development of Internet of Things technology in the telecommunications field

1 Overview of Internet of Things 1.1 Definition of Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) is an information carrier such as the Internet and traditional telecommunications networks, which allows all ordinary objects that can perform independent functions to…

tecnología de comunicación inalámbrica de corto alcance

In the Internet of Things, short-distance wireless communication technology is constantly developing and innovating. Short-distance wireless communication technology is mainly divided into two categories. One is LPWAN (low-power Wide-Area Network, low-power wide area network), which is often called Wide area…

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