Sistema de cultivo del Internet de las Cosas para plantas basado en multiespectrales de ajuste continuo

Abstract: In view of the shortage of fresh vegetables in the island border areas and barren areas along the “One Belt and One Road”, combined with agricultural planting theory and experience, using Internet of Things technology to analyze the environmental…

Wireless DTU power remote meter reading system

With the development of industrial automation, remote meter reading has become an important part of the smart grid system. Nowadays, people’s requirements for power supply continue to increase, and data obtained by remote meter reading has gradually replaced the early…

Small current ground fault location and information modeling based on DTU and FPI

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of line selection and location of small current ground faults in the distribution network, this paper analyzes the adaptive filtering properties of the EMD algorithm. The IMF decomposed by EMD of the small…

Design and implementation of DTU remote signaling and remote control unit based on ARM

Introduction to the paper: As people’s requirements for power quality are getting higher and higher, the power supply reliability of distribution networks has received great attention. The distribution terminal DTU of the switching station is an important part of the…

Development status and research status of distribution automation at home and abroad

The proposal of distribution automation has led to rapid development of the power market. It integrates modern communication technology, computer technology, automatic control technology and other technologies to realize the monitoring, management and control of the distribution system. The distribution…

Development Trend of DTU

The continuous development and progress of automatic control, power electronics, communication technology and other technologies have led to unprecedented development of distribution automation technology. Comprehensive use of distribution automation technology to develop a new generation of distribution automation terminal DTU…

ARM dejará de soportar software de 32 bits a partir de 2022

Apple released the 64-bit A7 processor as early as 2013, and all Apple phones after the iPhone 5S use 64-bit processors. Whether it is software or hardware, 64-bit has greater improvements in performance and other aspects compared to 32-bit. According…

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