6-channel analog acquisition module

Introduction: ZHC4661 is an industrial-grade 4G DTU that provides 4-channel AI, 2-channel AO and 1-channel RS485 interfaces. It supports Modbus RTU/TCP adaptation, automatic collection and active reporting, 4~20mA analog control collection, and automatic calibration threshold reporting. Other special functions include…

Tecnología de redes de comunicación inalámbricas de corta distancia

Communication technologies in the Internet of Things include long-distance communication and short-distance communication. This article will talk about short-distance communication networking technology. As the wireless communication technology of the Internet of Things continues to innovate, we commonly see short-distance wireless…

Diferencia entre banda ancha y banda estrecha, cómo elegir entre banda estrecha y banda ancha

What is the difference between broadband and narrowband? How should we choose broadband and narrowband in project use? Before talking about choice, let’s first understand what broadband and narrowband are. Understand the concepts first, and then make targeted choices. What…

La estación base 5G ahorra energía y reduce el consumo

In 5G communications, base stations are large power consumers, and about 80% of energy consumption comes from widely dispersed base stations. It is predicted that by 2025, the communications industry will consume 20% of the world’s electricity. The power consumption…

Módulo servidor serie, serie a Ethernet

Serial server module selection Product: Analog collector Model: ZHC1661 Number of interfaces: 1RS485/4AI/2AO Functions: Supports 4-way Socket, Modbus RTU/TCP adaptive, 4-20mA analog automatic reporting, 12-bit sampling accuracy, AO remote following AI, configuration cloud real-time monitoring PLC, automatic IP address acquisition,…

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