Interpretación del estado actual de desarrollo del Internet industrial de los objetos

In recent years, the development of the Industrial Internet of Things has been in full swing, and various service providers and integrators have sprung up to compete for the market. Looking to the future, the Industrial Internet of Things is also the most important driving force for the promotion of Internet of Things applications.

DTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarelaDTU/Pasarela Edge/Plataforma IoT/Módulo de pasarela

Conceptually distinguish the difference between IoT and Industrial IoT

Internet of Things: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network that connects computing devices, machinery, electronic equipment, objects, animals or people with unique identifiers, and the Internet of Things does not require communication between people or between people and computers. Data can be transmitted through communication between them.

Industrial Internet of Things: The Industrial Internet of Things is the application of the Internet of Things in the industrial field and will be used in energy, transportation (railways and stations, airports, ports), manufacturing (mining, oil and gas, supply chain, production) and other application fields important role.

Industrial IoT is essentially machine-to-machine (M2M) support extended to the cloud.

The Industrial Internet of Things mainly emphasizes applications in production and services. The Industrial Internet of Things often involves higher value equipment and assets, such as energy, transportation, and industrial control, and has higher requirements for operational safety; while the ordinary Internet of Things is more Pay more attention to consumer areas, such as home furnishings.

The Industrial Internet of Things is built on industrial infrastructure and is used to enhance rather than replace original industrial production equipment and facilities.

Generally speaking: The Industrial Internet of Things is a subset of the Internet of Things, focusing on productivity applications.

Secondly, what are the benefits of promoting IoT?

Driving factors:

● Cheaper storage

● Faster processor

● Inexpensive new sensors

● Integrated open platform

● Data analysis and machine learning

● Core business system functions are more powerful

● Suppliers and partners encourage adoption

Practical meaning:

● The development of the Internet of Things will give rise to a large number of emerging industries

● The development of the Internet of Things helps improve production efficiency and corporate competitiveness

● The development of the Internet of Things will help improve the efficiency of government public management and services

● The development of the Internet of Things will help promote the coordinated and harmonious development of people, society and nature.

Current status of the Industrial Internet of Things industry

Equipment manufacturers: sensor manufacturers, RFID, chips, modules, intelligent collection, etc.

Network operator: provides data transmission, is the main body of the Internet of Things network layer, and is the intermediate link connecting sensor data and terminal applications.

Platform supplier: Provide support for IoT applications, provide terminal monitoring and fault location services for equipment manufacturers, provide billing and customer services for system integrators, provide reliable and comprehensive services for end users, and provide application developers with Provide unified, convenient, low-cost development tools, etc.

System integrators: Committed to solving the integration of interfaces, protocols, system platforms, application software, etc. between various types of equipment and subsystems, as well as subsystems, usage environments, construction cooperation, organizational management, and staffing.

The Industrial Internet of Things is still in its early stages of development, but due to its optical port application prospects and huge revenue potential, many large multinational companies, national governments and international organizations have already invested heavily in the Industrial Internet of Things. Therefore, facing such a huge prospect, Zongheng Intelligent Control will always be committed to the research and development of the Industrial Internet of Things and contribute our strength to the rapid development of the Industrial Internet of Things!


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