El nuevo plan de infraestructuras ya está trazado, y el Internet de las Cosas traerá beneficios tanto para las políticas como para el mercado.

With the acceleration of the development of the digital economy, the key role of the Internet of Things in the construction of smart cities continues to be highlighted, and it has gradually become an important component of new infrastructure. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, with the vigorous promotion of the country, the development of the Internet of Things industry has achieved positive results. Recently, eight departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of New Infrastructure for the Internet of Things (2021-2023)” to accelerate the transformation of the Internet of Things industry into large-scale and intensive development. guide the direction of globalization and high-value development.

The term “new infrastructure” is not a new concept. It originated from the Central Economic Work Conference at the end of 2018. It was included in the government work report in 2020 and became an annual focus of economic and social attention. Currently it mainly includes the following three aspects:

1) Integrated infrastructure refers to the in-depth application of Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to support the transformation and upgrading of traditional infrastructure, thereby forming integrated infrastructure, such as smart transportation infrastructure, smart energy infrastructure, etc.;

2) Innovation infrastructure refers to infrastructure with public welfare attributes that supports scientific research, technology development and product development, such as major science and technology infrastructure, science and education infrastructure, industrial technology innovation infrastructure, etc.;

3) Information infrastructure refers to infrastructure based on the evolution of next-generation information technology, such as communication network infrastructure represented by 5G, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet and Satellite Internet, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, etc. New technology infrastructure represented by it, computing power infrastructure represented by data centers and intelligent computing centers, etc.

El nuevo plan de infraestructuras ya está trazado, y el Internet de las Cosas traerá beneficios tanto para las políticas como para el mercado.

The Internet of Things, as the name suggests, is a network where “everything is interconnected and everything is connected.” So, what is the new infrastructure of the Internet of Things? The new infrastructure of the Internet of Things refers to the infrastructure that uses sensing technology and communication technology in the network as the main means to realize the ubiquitous connection of people, machines, and things, thereby providing information sensing, information transmission, information processing and other services.

During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, the Internet of Things has entered a critical development period. First of all, from a policy perspective, in addition to the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of New Infrastructure for the Internet of Things (2021-2023)”, in the latest version of the “14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the 2035 In the “Outline of Long-term Goals”, the development needs and priorities of the Internet of Things and related industries have been mentioned many times, and Internet of Things sensing facilities and communication systems have been included in the unified planning and construction of public infrastructure.

In addition, from a market perspective, the national Internet of Things continues to grow at a rapid pace, and the growth rate will remain stable in the next five years. According to relevant statistics, the compound annual growth rate of China’s Internet of Things has reached 32.79% in the past ten years, and the size of China’s Internet of Things market reached 1.49 trillion yuan in 2019. The Internet of Things market will continue to maintain considerable room for growth in the future. It is expected that China’s Internet of Things market will exceed 2 trillion in 2022 and will exceed 3 trillion in 2025.

Operators are actively deploying, and 5G development is accelerating into the fast lane

Today, the 5G era is accelerating. The emergence and comprehensive coverage of 5G has helped the Internet of Things solve many application problems, promoted the large-scale application of the Internet of Things in various scenarios, and made the Internet of Things truly “alive”. When it comes to the Internet of Things, 5G is critical to realizing its unlimited potential. Emerging industries such as the industrial Internet, Internet of Vehicles, enterprise cloud, and telemedicine need 5G to support them. According to China Mobile’s predictions, 5G is expected to drive rapid growth in the number of IoT connections. By 2025, 5G’s contribution to the scale of IoT connections will reach 73%.

Since 5G entered the commercial era in 2019, the three major operators have responded to the national call and actively implemented 5G construction to establish a strong infrastructure for the development of the Internet of Things industry. Due to the commercial use of 5G and the ultra-wide coverage of low-power wide-area IoT, it is expected that the number of IoT connections in China will increase to 19.9 billion by 2025.


Judging from multiple factors such as the continuous support of policies, the increasing improvement of 5G technology, and the maturity of the Internet of Things industry chain, the Internet of Things will be implemented in many fields. In the next few years, the market is expected to maintain high growth. As the core content of the new infrastructure of the Internet of Things, 5G will also usher in major development opportunities.

Palabras clave: full network module


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