La 5G donne une nouvelle image des villes intelligentes

The world is witnessing rapid growth in the number of smart cities that will run on advanced technologies and fast computing speeds. 5G connectivity will be the foundation for efficient and smooth work in all aspects of smart cities. IoT, artificial intelligence, computer vision and other advanced technologies can be better utilized in 5G, and these technologies can develop smart cities to unimaginable levels.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelleDTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelle

In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization and the government’s heavy investment in smart cities, effectively planning the development and operation of smart cities has become a top priority. However, smart cities currently face several challenges that must be overcome to ensure their effective operation.

Connectivity challenges for smart cities

The operation of smart cities relies on smart devices, which are gadgets that can connect, interact and share data through the Internet and other smart devices. Since these smart devices rely on network connectivity, a fast network connection will become very necessary. However, with current technologies such as 4G, slow network speeds and high latency are still huge issues for these devices, which can cause delays in their processes and communications. This delayed communication can be detrimental in emergency situations where data needs to be analyzed, processed and transmitted immediately. 5G can help overcome connectivity and data transfer issues by offering faster speeds compared to 4G networks. On 5G networks, the response time and data transmission speed of devices will be significantly improved, therefore, it can greatly facilitate the operation of smart cities. By integrating 5G services, the functionality of smart city transportation systems, medical and emergency services, education, and even smart homes can be significantly improved.

5G and smart city development

5G significantly improves smart city capabilities by providing fast data speeds, low latency and better connectivity to smart devices. Smart devices are at the heart of smart cities running efficiently, and 5G will help smart cities harness the true potential of these devices.

1. Intelligent transportation

An efficient transportation system is a key requirement for the smooth operation of smart cities. As future transportation becomes autonomous and interconnected, the use of advanced interconnection technologies such as 5G will become a top priority. The implementation of 5G equipment will not be limited to vehicles, but can also be used for sensors and computer vision systems deployed at intersections, roads and sidewalks. Not only is the data collected by these devices huge, but it also needs to be processed and analyzed in real-time to avoid unwanted consequences. Since 5G promises speeds that are 100 times faster than 4G, it has proven to be the most reliable source of network connectivity. Drivers and government authorities can use 5G technology to monitor road conditions in real time to detect accidents or congestion. The most beneficial part will be the emergency response services as they can shorten the exact route to the accident or medical center which can save precious lives. 5G technology can enable fully automated traffic systems with driverless cars, automatic signals and traffic management, and smart cities can have safer traffic systems.

2. Intelligent energy saving

Smart cities are growing by leaps and bounds in the energy and utility sectors. Smart cities are proving to be a driving force in our energy conservation efforts. By collecting and using data from vehicle and pedestrian movements, smart streetlights can be programmed to dim or even turn off in low-traffic areas, and quickly turn them on if sensors detect any activity nearby. With the fast speeds provided by 5G technology, it can turn electronic devices on or off in a fraction of a second. Residential and commercial complexes can also follow the same principles and contribute to energy conservation. The energy savings at each stage end up multiplying over time.

3. Smart home

Residents are the core beneficiaries of any city, and their homes will be managed by smart devices capable of performing a variety of tasks. 5G could prove to be a key element in connecting these smart devices. Smart devices in smart homes will range from smart speakers, smart air conditioners to smart refrigerators. Basically, every device or object can serve as a potential smart device in the future. With 5G technology, these devices can transmit data instantly between each other and to data servers with low latency. This will significantly increase the responsiveness of the device and ultimately improve the output of the device. If 5G technology is integrated into these smart devices, users can complete their work in a flash. As fog and edge computing are introduced to IoT devices, 5G can do wonders in terms of speed, responsiveness, and overall performance of these devices.

4. Intelligent education

Educational technology is the future of education. Educational technology relies on technologies such as machine vision, artificial intelligence, and big data to improve current teaching quality. With the introduction of 5G, the deliverability of the above technologies is further enhanced. Data generated by smart devices can be analyzed and processed at a much faster speed than 4G technology. Basic technology applications in the education sector, such as video calls for conducting lectures, can be significantly enhanced by 5G technology. 5G offers better clarity and minimal latency compared to currently used communication modes, which significantly removes the barriers posed by network speed and connectivity issues currently faced by the education sector. If 5G technology can prove to be an effective and reliable means of smart classrooms, traditional teaching methods may become obsolete.

5G will be the catalyst for creating truly smart cities. In the near future, 5G and smart cities will become interdependent and even synonymous with each other. 5G solutions have been launched in major cities. Ultimately, 5G and smart cities can pave the way for a “smart nation” where every town and community will be “smart.”


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