Comment construire une solution IoT complète

One of the biggest confusions we see is with the word “platform,” which has really become a buzzword in the industry. Some of the largest companies, including Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and IBM, have launched IoT platforms to capitalize on the growing market opportunities presented by IoT. Each platform has its own focus and features on how to implement IoT.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelleDTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelle

However, there’s a big problem with platforms: they’re not complete solutions. Companies looking to quickly start leveraging the benefits of IoT quickly discover that platforms may be the wrong initial focus. Most platforms only offer a single layer, often consisting of a data collection and analytics layer, others focus on device integration or security, but they all have one thing in common: they don’t provide a complete solution.

What does a complete IoT solution mean?

Rather than focusing on platforms, IoT implementers should find solutions that fit their needs and goals. A complete IoT solution has many features that are beneficial to organizations looking to quickly deploy IoT. Complete solution:

  • Ready out of the box
  • Built from a single vendor, eliminating the need to mix and match components from multiple vendors
  • Includes sensors, gateways, analytics software, and network connectivity—all the layers an organization needs to successfully implement an IoT strategy
  • Includes complete industry-specific user interface
  • Built for enterprises, allowing them to accelerate IoT deployments to create real business results

A complete IoT solution takes the guesswork out of implementation, increases success rates, speeds deployment and saves money. But really, this is just the beginning. Because IoT solutions are up and running faster, organizations will benefit from the data these solutions collect and use it more quickly and effectively to drive real business value. When a company doesn’t have to mix and match components to build a single-tier platform, it can better focus on strategy and results. After all, that’s why they’re looking for IoT solutions.

Now is the time to move the conversation from platforms to complete, single-vendor, standards-based IoT solutions. It may never be as simple as flipping a switch, but it’s getting closer to that every day.


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