Recherche et application des micro-stations de base dans les réseaux LTE

Based on the current LTE network construction, due to the increasing density of buildings in people’s living environment, not only will the diffraction performance of LTE high-frequency networking wireless signals deteriorate, but it will also reduce the network coverage area and reduce the quality of the LTE network. This article will introduce LTE network application issues based on micro base stations, analyze the principles and advantages of micro base stations, and formulate application strategies to ensure that micro base stations can be effectively used in LTE networks.

As a 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) network, LTE can realize the coexistence and convergence of multiple standards, and can also realize the coexistence of multiple frequency bands. It also helps realize the trend of broadband and IP-based mobile networks. The application of micro base stations in LTE networks can ensure that users experience good network services both indoors and outdoors. The following article does a detailed study on this.

1 Micro base station According to the current micro base station technology, micro base stations can be divided into watt-level micro base stations and milliwatt-level micro base stations according to the different transmit power of the micro base stations [1]. Among the watt-level micro base stations, the network signal transmission power of the base station can reach 1~5W, which can realize 2T2R setup and integrated baseband processing unit (BBU)/radio remote module (RRU) setup. In actual site construction, you can also use your own medium-low gain antenna or an external 15dBi/17dBi antenna to complete the construction of micro base stations. Watt-level micro base stations are mainly used in small outdoor areas. For areas with weak network signal coverage and areas where it is difficult to build an LTE network, tile-level micro base stations can be applied to enhance the deep coverage of the LTE network [2].

Compared with watt-level micro base stations, the actual signal transmission power of milliwatt-level base stations can reach 100~250MW. The base station can be set up with 2T2R, and the base station can also be built directly using its own low- gain antenna. In practice, it is suitable as a coverage method for indoor coverage, and can also be used as a method to enhance signal depth coverage in key areas [3]. At the same time, in practical applications, micro base stations also have the advantages of low power consumption and small size. The network deployment of micro base stations is flexible, which is closer to the actual user deployment needs, effectively improving the performance and service quality of LTE networks. 2 Advantages of applying micro base stations in LTE networks Based on the application of micro base station technology in LTE networks, it can play active application advantages in improving network coverage, improving network spectrum efficiency, and reducing CAPEX and OPEX. In the LTE network, the construction of micro base stations can be used as an effective means to supplement the network coverage of LTE macro base stations. It has the advantages of networking flexibility and ease of installation. In the LTE network, weak coverage areas may occur in dense urban areas, urban areas, suburbs, rural areas and other scenarios. Micro base stations can be used to supplement some coverage holes in the LTE network. The construction and application of micro base stations in LTE networks can improve the depth of internal and external network coverage, ensure a good experience for network users, and ensure the advantages of the LTE network. The micro base station adopts a highly integrated integrated design, is small in size (12L), light in weight (14kg), has a small number of spare parts, and is easy to install and maintain . Micro base stations can support all-IP networking and can utilize existing mobile local database functions similar to the SQL server programming model, such as database storage areas and query processors. When connecting the local database to the central database, SQL serve CE is required to exchange information. When Web Service is used in the hosting of IIS, the network connection can be used on the network task computer to access the wireless networkly. In addition, when uploading data, you need to request the server through the Web service address and server name, so that the data to be uploaded can be transmitted to the Web as a parameter, and then written to the central server through the Web server. This process and downloading data are also resemblance.

Since data involves security issues during transmission, when ensuring the security of data transmission, it is necessary to protect the data at the data sending end, such as encrypting the data and encrypting the data after the receiving end receives the data. It is decrypted.

4 Conclusion In summary, in equipment remote maintenance technology, the portable maintenance terminal used effectively realizes the key technologies of wireless LAN, such as video and audio compression, data detection technology and embedded operating system. Both downloading and uploading data require communication encryption to protect the data. The maintenance auxiliary equipment uses these functions to realize real-time interaction and long-distance traditional transmission of equipment remote maintenance. It can be seen that portable maintenance auxiliary equipment has very practical value in the maintenance process of technical equipment in the air traffic management industry. It can greatly shorten the time it takes maintenance experts to rush to the site of faulty equipment, thereby improving the efficiency of troubleshooting.

Author of this article: Wu Mingguang

Keywords in this article: 4G industrial router


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