Brève analyse de la relation entre l'internet des objets et l'internet

According to the definition of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Internet of Things mainly solves the interconnection between items and items, people and items, and people. Because the Internet does not consider the problem of connecting any items, we use the Internet of Things to solve problems in the traditional sense. The core and foundation of the Internet of Things is still the Internet, which is an extension and expansion of the Internet.

The Internet of Things refers to a huge network formed by collecting various required information such as any objects or processes that need to be monitored, connected, and interacted in real time through various information sensing devices, and combined with the Internet. Its purpose is to realize the connection between things and things, things and people, and all things and the network, so as to facilitate identification, management and control.

So, what is the relationship between the Internet of Things and the Internet? What is the connection between them?

1. The birth of the Internet of Things is mainly to help humans better manage “things” and monitor and manage objects in real time; while the main target of the Internet is people, who are used to exchange information with each other.

2. Compared with the Internet, the implementation of the Internet of Things is relatively difficult; because most of the Internet service process is directly participated by people.

3. The main body connected by the Internet of Things is things, while the main body connected by the Internet is people. In terms of coverage, the coverage of the Internet of Things is much larger than that of the Internet.

4. The Internet of Things is not just about connecting things. After connecting people, the Internet of Things is extended to connect “things”; while the Internet can directly connect “people”.

5. People can discover and solve problems in the Internet in a timely manner; however, the Internet of Things is separated from the direct participation of people, and all problems that arise in objects are analyzed and managed by artificial intelligence, which is far from the level of artificial intelligence. The human mind is so flexible, so it is difficult for some special problems to be discovered and solved in time.

6. The Internet of Things is more complex than the Internet. In the future, the application of the Internet of Things may far exceed that of the Internet, and its role will be greater and stronger than the Internet. Humans can easily control and manage objects. The industrial value brought by the Internet of Things will be 30 to 50 times greater than that of the Internet, and the Internet of Things will become the next trillion-yuan information industry.

In general, the Internet and the Internet of Things are interrelated and interdependent. In the future, the combination of the Internet and the Internet of Things technology will bring great changes and convenience to people’s lives, and social development will also make great progress. ! RJ45 RTU


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