Application and development trends of 5G wireless communication technology

In the context of the rapid development of science and technology, wireless information technology has brought more convenience to people’s lives, and 5G wireless communication technology is also constantly developing and maturing, and will replace the current network in the future. Based on this, this article will use the Android system and light field cameras as the starting point to analyze the application and development trends of 5G wireless communication technology. At the same time, combined with the current status and trends, it will explore the three aspects of Internet of Everything , cloudization, and intelligent interaction. The development trend of 5G wireless communication technology aims to give full play to the advantages of 5G wireless communication technology and promote the development of my country’s information technology.

Currently, wireless network is the core technology of information technology research and development, and communication technology is continuously developed and designed around it. This communication technology is the so-called 5G wireless communication technology. Because 5G wireless communication technology is recognized by professionals around the world as a wireless communication method with high-tech characteristics, it has broad application prospects and development space in the future, and will even become an important part of the communications industry. Therefore, relevant technical personnel need to understand its application and development trends in order to adopt more scientific and reasonable development strategies.

1. Practical application of 5G wireless communication technology

(1) Android system As far as the current communication market is concerned, the systems of many smart mobile terminals are basically Android systems, and the Android system is an open and free source code system based on current Linux technology as the core. Because this system has strong functionality, it plays an important role in the entire mobile device industry chain. Specifically, in the Android system, the design method adopted is a hierarchical structure, which mainly includes four levels. The levels from low to high are the system kernel layer, the system runtime layer, the application framework layer, and the application program. layer. Among these four hierarchical structures, 5G wireless communication technology is mainly reflected in the system kernel layer, thereby achieving the purpose of separating hardware drivers and basic files in the system. In addition, due to the obvious openness of the Android system itself, its security index will be greatly reduced. After applying 5G wireless communication technology, the confidentiality characteristics of the technology can make up for the system’s shortcomings and improve Security Level.

(2) Light field camera The theory of light field camera is to use light field technology to subjectively compose the photographic object in the early stage of taking pictures. This kind of photography method provides more convenience for the majority of photographers. It is precisely because light field cameras have such powerful advantages that they have optimized traditional photography methods to a great extent. In addition, they have relatively complete capture functions. Therefore, as long as things are within the focal length range, they can be captured without locking the focus . Complete the picture. After completing the photography, the staff adjusted the focus as needed, mainly because the light field camera has already completed the statistics of optical information during the entire photography process. Therefore, every photo taken with a light field camera will occupy a large amount of memory. Basically, each photo is more than 200M. Therefore, the transmission network is required to have the characteristics of high memory and high transmission rate, that is, 5G wireless communication can be technology is applied and improves the security of transmission[1].

2. Development Trend of 5G Wireless Communication Technology (1) Internet of Everything In the future development, the application of the Internet of Things will have an inseparable relationship with 5G wireless communication technology. Due to the limitations of current network technology, the development speed of IoT technology is slow, which is mainly reflected in the following two aspects: (1) In the relatively large-scale IoT, the terminal traffic, equipment power consumption and cost are also relatively low. ; (2) The mission-critical connection of the Internet of Things requires the network to have short delay, high bandwidth, high availability, and high reliability performance. Therefore, because 5G wireless communication technology has the characteristics of lower power consumption, larger scale, shorter delay, and higher speed, it can meet the needs of the development of the Internet of Things and facilitate the expansion of the application scope of the Internet of Things, thereby realizing the Internet of Everything. Target. In fact, during the development and design of 5G wireless communication technology, various institutions and organizations have reached a consensus that since the main application scenario of 5G wireless communication technology is the Internet of Things, it needs to be deployed first to provide support for promoting the development of the Internet of Things. Assure.

(2) Cloudization After the widespread application of 5G wireless communication technology, 4K videos and even 8K videos can be played more smoothly, and cloud technology will also appear frequently in people’s lives. In the future, the development trend of cloud technology based on 5G wireless communication technology will be: from the traditional central cloud to the edge cloud, and then to the mobile device cloud. In the process of rapid development of science and technology, the application scope of mobile smart terminals will continue to expand, thereby increasing the actual demand for mobile data, and at the same time, more and more content will be generated. In this regard, in order to increase the speed of accessing the network, network technology with open characteristics and real-time characteristics needs to be applied in practice, so as to provide users with a more personalized network experience. In addition, in social networks, affected by 5G wireless communication technology, mobile devices will form pooled virtual resources [2].

Mobile devices will form pooled virtual resources [2]. (3) Intelligent interaction In the future development, whether artificial intelligence interaction or driverless cars, 5G wireless communication technology needs to be the basis for its development. Since 5G wireless communication technology only has a time delay of 1ms, it means that technologies that require ultra-fast network speeds and precise time, such as telemedicine and driverless driving, can be transformed into reality based on this technology. In addition, the construction of smart cities, the development of virtual reality games, VR live broadcasts, etc. also require 5G wireless communication technology to provide network technology support, thereby changing people’s lifestyles. In life, in addition to computers and mobile phones that can be connected to the Internet, other household appliances can also be connected to the Internet, including door locks, wearable devices, pet collars, etc. In addition, after bridges, buildings, etc. are connected to the Internet, relevant staff can monitor their quality in real time, so that problems can be discovered and solved immediately, and the role of 5G wireless communication technology can be fully utilized.

Conclusion: In summary, 5G wireless communication technology has been widely used in Android systems and light field cameras. Due to its own advantages, it has a broader application space in future development. Based on this, 5G wireless communication technology is widely used in Internet of Things technology, which is expected to realize the cloudization of life. It can also maximize the level of intelligent interaction and provide more convenient communication and communication for people’s life and work. The way. Therefore, in order to promote the development of 5G wireless communication technology, it is necessary to formulate development plans and methods based on its applications and development trends.

Mots-clés dans cet article : Passerelle informatique périphérique


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