Understand IoT technology – 23 basic IoT standards, protocols, and technical terms

In the field of the Internet of Things, there are usually some difficult-to-understand abbreviations for protocols, standards and technologies. This article summarizes 23 commonly used terms, hoping to make the language of the Internet of Things clearer. Cellular Data –…

The cutting-edge technology of the Internet of Things is becoming increasingly mature and the construction of smart cities continues to heat up.

Overall, the hot application areas of the Internet of Things mainly include transportation, home furnishing, medical care, education, etc. In addition to these traditional industries, the application value of the Internet of Things in fields such as smart communities and…

Internet of Things Observation: Nine predictions for the development trends of the Internet of Things in 2019

By 2020, the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to generate $344 billion in additional revenue while reducing operating costs by $177 billion. The Internet of Things and smart devices are already improving the performance indicators of major factories around…

NB-IoT aide les bouches d'égout urbaines à se transformer en système de gestion numérique

Currently, with the rapid development of new generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, it has become a reality to use technical means to solve the problem of manhole covers. China Mobile Internet…

Le développement de l'industrie de l'internet des objets bat son plein, et la fabrication intelligente est devenue un domaine d'application populaire.

Nowadays, the interconnection of all things has become a general trend, and countries around the world have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the research and development of cutting-edge IoT technologies. With the joint efforts of scientific…

Des centaines de milliards d'euros à l'échelle du marché, en se concentrant sur les points clés du développement des bâtiments intelligents.

In recent years, under the background of the rapid development of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, smart buildings are becoming an important driving force in the transformation and upgrading of the traditional construction industry.…

Internet of Things technology drives changes in the construction industry

The Internet of Things era looks set to bring significant changes to industries that are typically slow to embrace disruptive technologies. The construction industry is one such area where IoT technology has the potential to not only increase efficiency in…

Interpréter les principales applications technologiques de l'internet industriel des objets

What is the Industrial Internet of Things? Industrial Internet of Things refers to the application of the Internet of Things in the industrial field. Specifically, the Industrial Internet of Things continuously integrates various collection or control sensors or controllers with…

Interprétation de l'état actuel du développement de l'internet industriel des objets

In recent years, the development of the Industrial Internet of Things has been in full swing, and various service providers and integrators have sprung up to compete for the market. Looking to the future, the Industrial Internet of Things is…

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