A brief analysis of NB-IoT application classification and technical characteristics

As a narrowband IoT technology, NB-IoT stands out in various industries and its applications cover many fields. So, this article will explain the main application categories and related characteristics of NB-IoT. 1. What is NB-IoT? NB-IoT refers to Narrow Band…

An in-depth analysis of the differences between the Internet of Things and sensor networks

It is reported that 80% of people cannot tell the difference between sensor networks and the Internet of Things. What is the specific difference between the two? Today, this article will analyze the mystery. 1. What is the Internet of…

What is the Industrial Internet of Things?Analyze the differences between M2M, IoT, and CPS

In today’s era, the Internet of Things has become an important part of the new generation of information technology. In this information age, the Internet of Everything is an important stage, especially in the industrial field, where Internet of Things…

NB-IoT smart parking application effectiveness analysis

Since the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Notice on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction and Development of the Mobile Internet of Things (NB-IoT)” in 2017, the three major communication operators, China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom, have…

"L'internet des objets + la sécurité" encourage la modernisation de la sécurité dans les communautés

In recent years, as illegal activities have developed from “traditional” to “technical”, “Internet +” illegal activities have brought new challenges to community security. Traditional public security prevention and control methods can no longer adapt to the development requirements of the…

Caractéristiques et différences entre RS232 et RS485

RS232 et RS485 ont toujours été des interfaces courantes de faible intensité, mais de nombreuses personnes ne comprennent pas bien les différences entre elles. Aujourd'hui, cet article vous expliquera les caractéristiques et les différences entre RS232 et RS485. 1. Vue d'ensemble de RS232...

La technologie sans fil donne un nouvel élan à l'internet industriel

With the accelerated integration of the new generation of information technology and traditional industries represented by the Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is booming around the world, and…

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