Centre NEWS

Conception d'un module d'acquisition de données avec entrée de commutation isolée et sortie de relais

In many real-time monitoring systems, it is often necessary to receive data from distant measurement and control points. How to reliably and quickly implement on-site data collection, remote data transmission and output control is a problem that these monitoring modules must solve. In the pursuit

Une étape importante : Zongheng Intelligent Control déménage à une nouvelle adresse et accueille de nouveaux développements

If you missed Double Eleven, you can’t miss Double Twelve again. After all, there are really not many opportunities to harvest certain wool~ What? I heard that this year’s Double Twelve event in Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control was extremely lively. Come on, let me see

Développement et application d'un module de relais sans fil basé sur la technologie de l'Internet des objets

Currently, there are a large number of unconnected auxiliary subsystems of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems in substations, such as lighting systems, water supply and drainage systems and other small systems, as well as auxiliary heating and moisture removal devices that operate in

À quel point la conduite sans conducteur peut-elle être complète ? Si complète que même la cabine du conducteur peut être supprimée.

Road roller without cab In September 2020, Liugong launched an intelligent driverless roller 6626E. This is a new member of Liugong’s many intelligent equipment, but what is different about it is that this time Liugong has thrown away the cab. . Construction machinery is somewhat

Les employés signent une lettre commune : Le gourou de l'IA Jeff Dean doit s'excuser

Internal strife escalates, Google is really in trouble! From 1,400 employees supporting the company, big names in the AI ​​industry taking the stand, to CEO Pichai personally apologizing, the dismissal crisis triggered by the famous AI ethicist Timnit Gebru continues to ferment. Yesterday, employees within

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