plc communication methods, what are the PLC communication methods?

There are two main communication methods of PLC, namely parallel communication method and serial communication method. Let’s explain the two communication methods respectively. If you need to know about serial port and parallel port, please read this article “The Difference…

Application of zigbee, zigbee networking solution

Application of zigbee, zigbee networking solution As a low-speed short-distance wireless communication technology, ZigBee has its own characteristics. Zigbee has the characteristics of low power consumption, short distance, low power consumption, low speed, and flexible networking method, so it is…

Characteristics of the Internet of Things, what are the three major characteristics of the Internet of Things

The three major characteristics of the Internet of Things are sensing objects, information transmission, and intelligent processing. The general meaning is that the Internet of Things is the Internet where things are connected. This has two meanings: first, the core…

Wireless networking, Internet of things wireless networking

In the Internet of Things, networking solutions are determined according to different application scenarios. Here are several typical networking solutions. 1. One-way networking One-way networking is to send the collected data to the server in one direction through the DTU…

Explication détaillée de la différence entre les protocoles Modbus RTU et Modbus TCP

The Modbus communication protocol was invented by Modicon in 1979 and is the world’s earliest bus protocol used in industrial fields. Due to its free public release, manufacturers using the protocol do not need to pay any fees, so the…

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