Centre NEWS

Classification des ordures selon l'internet des objets : un système de gestion intelligent pour une vie meilleure

Currently, the application of the Internet of Things is in full swing in many fields. With the continuous advancement of technology, the Internet of Things is gradually being used in environmental protection, energy management and other fields. On July 1, the “Shanghai Domestic Waste Management

A brief analysis of the Internet of Things standard protocol MQTT

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a client-server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol that is lightweight, open, simple, simple in design, and easy to implement. Although HTTP is the epic standard for web pages, for large-scale communication between machines (Machine-to-Machine, M2M), the previous request/response (Request/Response) model

Un poteau d'éclairage intelligent - une percée dans la construction de villes intelligentes et un avant-poste de la mise en réseau 5G

In 2019, 5G has become a battleground for countries around the world to compete in the technological competition, and smart light poles are a new generation of urban information infrastructure that includes charging piles, video surveillance, environmental monitoring, light pole screens and other modules. Not

Nouveau modèle d'exploitation et de maintenance de l'électricité dans le cadre de l'essor de l'internet des objets

Whether it is people’s daily home life or industrial and agricultural production, they are almost inseparable from water, electricity and other energy sources. Especially now that social and economic development is so rapid, how to improve the comprehensive allocation of water, electricity and other energy

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