Industrial IoT applications are growing rapidly

As IoT technology develops, factories are becoming automated environments, logistics operations and supply chains are being revolutionized, and industries such as healthcare are benefiting from always-on connectivity. The number of connected devices serving a range of vertical markets will increase.…

What can the Internet of Things do during the epidemic?

At the beginning of 2020, the new coronavirus suddenly broke out and spread across the country. Fortunately, today’s 2020 is completely different from 2003. When dealing with this epidemic, the rapid development of information technology, increasingly powerful infrastructure capabilities, and…

Le rôle important de la technologie de l'internet des objets dans l'agriculture pour la plantation de fleurs

In the past ten years, the world’s flower industry has grown at an average annual rate of 25%, and my country has a vast flower planting area and a huge consumer market. However, due to the wide variety of flowers,…

Comment choisir la bonne méthode de communication IoT pour votre produit ?

Throughout the IoT product development process, multiple disciplines and decisions need to be integrated. It is often thought that Wi-Fi makes the most sense for products that will be deployed indoors, while mobile networks are the best choice for outdoor…

Application de la technologie de l'internet des objets à la surveillance du pétrole et du gaz en mer

Oil and gas (O&G) production is highly complex and unstable. The remoteness and isolation of offshore drilling platforms makes it difficult for offshore oil and gas companies to gain timely and accurate visibility into their ongoing production. This means operators…

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