How intelligent transportation innovates and develops smart highways becomes the key

Smart city construction that integrates smart sensing, smart management, smart operation, smart services, smart transportation, smart urban management, smart grid, smart lighting, and smart security is the current active development direction of major city governments. As a key part of the construction of smart cities, intelligent urban transportation is the top priority at the moment. With the rapid development of new generation technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, my country’s development of intelligent transportation systems and the intelligence of transportation infrastructure facilities have undergone earth-shaking changes.

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Comprehensive and accurate sensing, ubiquitous mobile Internet, new transportation vehicles, big data, connectivity, “Internet” and other technologies, demand and environmental changes are reinterpreting the transportation industry. There have also been four changes in the way transportation organizations and services are organized, including the innovative evolution of public travel towards personalized and information-based business models; the transformation of freight logistics into resource sharing and multi-modal collaboration; the de-intermediation of operations and management. Break the asymmetry; the final information service stage is de-monopoly and open to sharing.

Three major stages of development of intelligent transportation systems

Facing the innovative development of intelligent transportation systems, new technologies are not just technologies, but also new concepts and models, and technological changes are reconstructing or reshaping the transportation system. In this process, the industry not only shifted from focusing on a single transportation system to a comprehensive transportation system, but also gradually paid attention to the deep integration of the transportation system itself with other systems, and achieved three stages of improvement in intelligent transportation system technology:

Intelligent transportation system 1.0 stage: focuses on information technology applications, including data collection, processing, analysis and service applications, with the integration of informatization and intelligence as an important support to achieve intelligent management and services.

Intelligent transportation system 2.0 stage: focuses on the in-depth integration of new generation information technology, mobile Internet, data-driven management and service innovation, cross-border integration to generate new models and service contents, vehicle-road collaborative systems, integrated transportation system collaborative services, intelligent management, services, and decision-making.

Intelligent transportation system 3.0 stage: application of artificial intelligence technology and implementation of transportation brain. As well as intelligent infrastructure, intelligent transportation vehicles, intelligent driving technology and transportation complex network systems, transportation socio-physical systems, as well as transportation network and self-regulating systems driven by needs and preferences, people, vehicles, roads and things in intelligent mobile Internet Comprehensive optimization of factors such as environment and environment.

In terms of the overall development trend and direction, the transportation system will become networked, collaborative, and intelligent. From May 4th to 6th this year, at the “2019 Shenzhen International Smart Parking Equipment and Technology Expo” co-sponsored by the Shenzhen Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Transportation Center and Jieshun Technology in Hall 2 of the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, we can learn more about Explore how enterprises use big data transportation services, mobile Internet integrated transportation, and artificial intelligence vehicle-road collaboration to achieve intelligent travel services, forming processes such as traffic control, safe driving, congestion relief, and information services.

Four major elements for building modern smart highways

In the intelligent transportation system, smart cities, smart highways, vehicle-road collaboration, and autonomous driving are the four keys. Among them, the intelligentization of transportation infrastructure construction, operation, management, and maintenance is a far-reaching knowledge. The key to how to build a modern smart highway lies in four major elements:

1. Intelligent infrastructure. Including wireless sensor networks, new dedicated road infrastructure, dedicated lanes, parking lots, dedicated closed areas, meeting the needs of the new generation of intelligent road control and intelligent vehicle operation according to control strategies;

2. Traffic operation cloud platform. Interoperable control platform for traffic control systems or highway monitoring systems, situation monitoring and early warning, providing safe and efficient environmental conditions for intelligent vehicles and pedestrians;

3. Vehicle driving control. Vehicle control and service systems, vehicle intelligent auxiliary devices, information perception and control devices, trusted interaction and automatic control, new generation virtual display and display enhancement technology, etc.;

4. Intelligent and information-based facilities. Large-capacity basic communication systems, traffic data acquisition facilities, dedicated wireless communication facilities, high-precision positioning systems, high-precision geographical information systems, etc.

Today, China is in the transformation stage of rationally promoting vehicle-road collaborative systems, comprehensive transportation collaborative services, and autonomous driving. However, it is precisely at this stage that oligarchs with absolute market share have not yet been born. For the industry, it means that the overall situation of the industry is uncertain. , every company has the possibility of becoming a unicorn giant. This is the golden development stage when smart transportation is blooming.


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