Le rôle important de la technologie de l'internet des objets dans l'agriculture pour la plantation de fleurs

In the past ten years, the world’s flower industry has grown at an average annual rate of 25%, and my country has a vast flower planting area and a huge consumer market. However, due to the wide variety of flowers, the suitable environmental parameters for different flowers are also different, making it difficult for growers to grasp the optimal growth environment information for all flowers. At the same time, growers need to always pay attention to the growing environment of flowers, which makes cultivating potted flowers more difficult.

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, agricultural Internet of Things technology is gradually applied to potted flower breeding management. At the same time, in the terminal monitoring software, settings for different flowers are used to adapt to environmental data alarm thresholds. When the collected data exceeds the threshold, the system will send an alert message to the user to guide the growers to conduct reasonable flower breeding management.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelleDTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelle

The agricultural Internet of Things system can monitor and record the light intensity in the flower greenhouse through light-sensitive sensors, and can be directly connected to related auxiliary lighting systems, sunshade systems and other equipment, and automatically turn on related equipment when necessary. The relevant data is transmitted through wireless technology transmitted to the monitoring terminal.

The temperature and humidity of the air environment in the greenhouse are monitored by temperature sensors and humidity sensors. In addition, a carbon dioxide sensor is installed in the greenhouse to monitor the carbon dioxide content in the greenhouse in real time. When the concentration exceeds the threshold set by the system, relevant data is transmitted to the monitoring terminal through wireless transmission technology, and adjustments are made accordingly in a timely manner.

In the agricultural IoT platform, it can also be connected to an intelligent water and fertilizer integrated system, which can perform irrigation and fertilization through automatic or manual operation according to plant growth patterns.

It can be seen that the introduction of agricultural IoT technology in flower cultivation can improve the level of production refinement, encourage enterprises to actively introduce flower cultivation control systems, and provide intelligent one-stop services for the entire flower cultivation. It can be connected to the network through various sensors and software to enable it to automatically collect and transmit greenhouse temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, negative ions and other environmental data for tracking and analysis; artificial intelligence control of flower planting through mobile APP, Remotely operate ventilation, shading, humidification, water and fertilizer integration and other related facilities.


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