Les quatre malentendus les plus courants sur l'internet des objets

Now is the era of the Internet of Things. The advancement of science and technology has made people’s lives more convenient. However, most people may have some misunderstandings about the Internet of Things. Today, this article will tell you about the misunderstandings about the Internet of Things. See if you’ve been tricked?

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelleDTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelle

One of the misunderstandings

They believe that the Internet of Things is a ubiquitous network that connects things, so they think that the Internet of Things is a castle in the air and a technology that is difficult to realize. In fact, the Internet of Things is real, and many primary Internet of Things applications have been serving us for a long time. The concept of the Internet of Things is an aggregated and integrated innovation based on many real-life applications. It is a summary and improvement of the long-existing networked, intelligent, and automated systems with the Internet of Things. It upgrades it from a higher perspective. Our understanding.

Misunderstanding 2

Think of the Internet of Things as the boundless and infinite extension of the Internet, and the Internet of Things as a completely open, fully interconnected, and fully shared Internet platform for all things. In fact, the Internet of Things is by no means an infinite extension of a simple global shared Internet. Even the Internet does not only refer to the internationally shared computer network we usually think of. The Internet also has wide area networks and local area networks.

The Internet of Things can be an extension of our ordinary Internet to things; it can also form local area networks and professional networks based on actual needs and industrial applications. In reality, it is not necessary and impossible to connect all things to the Internet; it is also not necessary for professional networks and local area networks to be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. The Internet of Things will be very different from the Internet in the future, similar to professional networks such as smart logistics, smart transportation, and smart grids; local area networks such as smart communities will have the largest application space.

Misunderstanding 3

The sensor network or RFID network is equivalent to the Internet of Things. In fact, both sensing technology and RFID technology are just one of the information collection technologies. In addition to sensing technology and RFID technology, all technologies that can realize automatic identification and communication of things, such as GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, and scanning, can become information collection technologies for the Internet of Things. Sensor network or RFID network is only an application of the Internet of Things, but it is by no means the entire Internet of Things.

Myth No. 4

Treat the Internet of Things as a basket and put everything in it; based on your own understanding, treat products that can only interact and communicate as Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedding some sensors becomes the so-called Internet of Things home appliances; putting RFID tags on products becomes Internet of Things applications, etc.


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